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Running Staff Aur Waqt………..The Poem

वक़्त नही

हर ख़ुशी है लोंगों के दामन में ,
पर एक हंसी के लीये वक़्त नही .
दीन रात दौड़ती दुनीया में ,
Zindagi के लीये ही वक़्त नही .
माँ की लोरी का एहसास तो है ,
पर माँ को माँ कहने का वक़्त नही .
सारे Rishton को तो हम मार चुके ,
अब उन्हें दफनाने का भी वक़्त नही ।
सारे नाम मोबाइल में हैं ,
पर दोस्ती के लए वक़्त नही .
गैरों की Kya बात करें ,
जब अपनों के लीये ही वक़्त नही .
आंखों मैं है नींद बड़ी ,
पर सोने का वक़्त नही .
Dil है ग़मों से भरा हुआ ,
पर रोने का भी वक़्त नही .
पैसों की दौड़ मे ऐसे दौडे ,
की थकने का भी वक़्त नही ।
पराये एहसासों की क्या कद्र करें ,
जब अपने सपनो के लीये ही वक़्त नही ।
तू ही बता E Zindagi ,
इस Zindagi का क्या होगा ,
की हर पल मरने वालों को ,
जीने के लीये भी वक़्त नही .......


Har khushi Hai Logon Ke Daman Mein,
Par Ek Hansi Ke Liye Waqt Nahi.
Din Raat Daudti Duniya Mein,
Zindagi Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Maa Ki Loree Ka Ehsaas To Hai,
Par Maa Ko Maa Kehne Ka Waqt Nahi.
Saare Rishton Ko To Hum Maar Chuke,
Ab Unhe Dafnane Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Saare Naam Mobile Mein Hain,
Par Dosti Ke Lye Waqt Nahi.
Gairon Ki Kya Baat Karen,
Jab Apno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Aankhon Me Hai Neend Badee,
Par Sone Ka Waqt Nahi.
Dil Hai Ghamon Se Bhara Hua,
Par Rone Ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paison ki Daud Me Aise Daude,
Ki Thakne ka Bhi Waqt Nahi.
Paraye Ehsason Ki Kya Kadr Karein,
Jab Apne Sapno Ke Liye Hi Waqt Nahi.
Tu Hi Bata E Zindagi,
Iss Zindagi Ka Kya Hoga,
Ki Har Pal Marne Walon Ko,
Jeene Ke Liye Bhi Waqt Nahi.......

Corruption in overlooking of Disaster Management

रेलवे प्रोजेक्ट्स में हईएस्त फ्लोट लेवल
अरबों का घोटाला

Railway Projects में किस-किस तरह के घोटाले हो रहे है और निजी ठेकेदारों एवं नौकरशाही तथा राजनीतिज्ञों से गठजोड़ से किस तरह रेलवे की जड़ों में मट्ठा डाला जा रहा है, यह अब तक रेल परियोजनायो में सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण लगभग अनजान रहे हईएस्ट फ्लोट लेवल (एचएफएल) के मामले में हो रहे घोटाले की तह में जाकर देखा जा सकता है। देश की लगभग प्रत्येक नयी रेल परियोजना में एचएफएल को नज़र अंदाज़ किया जा रहा है और यह काम पिछले करीब पाँच वर्षों के दरमियान बनी सभी रेल परियोजनायों में किया गया है जबकि एचएफएल को सर्वाधिक बिहार की रेल परियोजनायों में नजर अंदाज किया गया है। हलाँकि पिछले लगभग १०-१५ वर्षों से लगातार रेल मंत्रालय पर बिहार के नेताओं का कब्ज़ा है, परन्तु एचएफएल को दरकिनार किए जाने के सबसे ज्यादा मामले यहाँ पिछले पाँच वर्षों में हुए हैयह काम अभी- भी लगातार जारी है।
उल्लेखनीय है की हईएस्ट फ्लोट लेवल के अनुसार ही देश में प्रत्येक रेल एवं सड़क परियोजनायों का निर्माण किया जाता है। बाढ़ के समय जब नदी का पानी ओवर फ्लो होता है और वह शहरी या ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में दूर तक फैलता है, तब उस बाढ़ के पानी की ऊँचाई और बहाव की दुरी के हिसाब एचएफएल ( हईएस्ट फ्लोट लेवल ) मापा जाता है। इस एचएफएल के आंकड़े सम्बंधित राज्य के सिंचाई विभादों के पास होते है। किसी भी सड़क या रेल परियोजना के निर्माण के पहले यह आंकड़े सम्बंधित राज्यों के सिंचाई विभागों से मांगने के बाद उनका ध्यान में रखकर ही किसी रेल या सड़क योजना का आकलन किया जाता है।
परन्तु इस सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य का ध्यान पिछले पाँच वर्षों के दरम्यान बिहार में पुरी हो चुकी अथवा वर्तमान में निर्माणधीन रेल परियोजनाओं में नही रखा गया है और न ही यहाँ एचएफएल के अनुसार रेल लाईने बिछाई गया है। यहाँ तक की छोटे, मझोले और बड़े किस्म के तमाम रेल पूलों के निर्माण में भी संरक्षा के दृष्टिकोन से इस सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य का ध्यान नही रखा गया है। हमारे विश्वसनीय सूत्रों का कहना है की वैसे टू रेलवे की तमाम परियोजनाओं में एचएफएल को नज़र अंदाज किया जाता है, परन्तु बिहार में यह कम पिछले ५ वर्षों में सबसे ज्यादा हुआ है।
सूत्रों का कहना है की बिहार की सभी रेल परियोजनाओं में एचएफएल का कोई ध्यान नही रखा गया है। उनका कहना है की यहाँ बाढ़ के समय नदी का जो एचएफएल मान लिया गया और मिटटी की भराई की मात्रा और काम को बढ़ाने के लिए यह सारे हथकंडे यहाँ ठेकेदार माफिया और अधिकारियों द्बारा अपनाया गया है। सूत्रों का कहना है की बिहार सहित पुरे भारतीय रेल में पिछले ५ वर्षों के दरम्यान जो भी रेल परियोजनाएं पुरी हुयी है, अथवा पुरी होने वाली है, और जो माईनर / मीडियम/ मेजर रेल पूलों का निर्माण किया गया है या किया जा रहा है तथा जो रेल परियोजनाएं प्रस्तावित है आदि की यदि इंजीनियरिंग के स्थापित दृष्टिकोण से जांच की जायेगी, इसमी देश का अब तक का बड़ा घोटाला सामने आ सकता है।
हमारे सूत्रों का यह दावा है की बिहार में पिछले ५ वर्षों के दौरान पुरी हुई और वर्त्तमान में निर्माणधीन किसी भी रेल परियोजना के अंतर्गत निर्मित की गई कोई भी इमारत अथवा मेजर था माईनर रेल bridges में डाली गई कांक्रीट और स्टील की क्वालिटी एवम क्वांटिटी (गुणवत्ता एवम मात्रा) का लोड बेयरिंग कैपेसिटी (भार वाहन क्षमता) का इंजीनियरिंग के स्थापित दृष्टिकोण से हिसाब से इन सबका इन्तेग्रिती और रेदिओग्राफी टेस्ट करा लिया जाए तो साड़ी सच्चाई उजागर हो जायेगी। सूत्रों का कहना है की मेजर एवम माईनर रेल पूलों की पीलिंग (नीवं भारी ) और columns (खम्बों) में किस गुणवत्ता की कांक्रीट डाली गई है और किस क्वालिटी की कितनी मोटी तथा कितनी मात्रा में स्टील उनमें डाली गई है, इस सबका पुरा पता चल जायेगा।
सूत्रों ने बताया की रेल पुलों की डिजाईन करते समय उनकी पाईलिंग में जितनी भी स्टील डालने की गणना की जाती है, उससे करीब २०% स्टील ज्यादा रखी जाती है क्योंकि डिजाईन के अनुसार उनमें यदि २०% स्टील कम भी लगाई जायेगी तो उससे सेफ्टी को भविष्य में कोई खतरा नही होगा। परन्तु सूत्रों का कहना है की बिहार के लगभग सभी रेल पूलों में इस २०% ज्यादा स्टील की तो बात ही छोडो, उससे भी २०% कम स्टील डाली गई है। वह भी कम गुणवत्ता और कम मोटाई वाली। अतः यदि इन सभी रेल पूलों की डिजाईन सहित सभी मामलो की जांच मानक विशेषज्ञों एवम डिजाईनरों द्बारा करवाई जाए तो इंजीनियरिंग के निर्धारित दृष्टिकोण से सभी रेल पूलों और परियोजनाओं में २०% स्टील कम पाये जाने की पूरी संभावना है।
बिहार की रेल परियोजनाओं में मिटटी की भराई के मामले में करोड़ों के घोटाले और भ्रष्टाचार की बात तो स्वयं यहाँ के रेल कर्मचारी भी स्वीकार करते है। हमारे सूत्रों का कहना है की टेंडर के अनुसार ठेकेदारों को निजी जमीन से और सम्बंधित रेल परियोजना क्षेत्र से कम से कम दो किमी, दूर से मिटटी लाकर परियोजना स्थल की भराई करानी थी, परन्तु ठेकेदारों ने यह मिटटी रेलवे की ज़मीन से और परियोजना स्थल के एकदम करीब से ही खोदकर उठा ली है, जबकि उन्हें इसका भुगतान टेंडर के अनुसार निजी जमीन से और दूर से लाई गई मिटटी के लिए किया गया है। पिछले पाँच वर्षों में इस सम्बन्ध में बिहार की रेल परियोजनाओं में व्यापक स्टार पर भ्रष्टाचार हुआ है।
इस सम्बन्ध में सूत्रों का कहना है की बिहार में चल रही रेल परियोजनाओं में सम्बंधित मिटटी भराई करने वाले ठेकेदारों ने मिटटी उठाने के लिए निजी जमीनों के खाता-खसरा नंबर और सम्बंधित जमीन मालिक के साथ हुए समझौते सम्बन्धी तमाम कागजात सम्बंधित कार्यालयों में जमा नही कराये है। सूत्रों का यहाँ तक दावा है की सभी ठेकेदारों ने निजी जमीन बताकर रेलवे की जमीन से ही साड़ी मिटटी उठाकर डाली है। यदि इस मामले की गहराई से और निष्पक्ष जांच की जाए तो यह सारा भ्रष्टाचार और अधिकारी- ठेकेदार गठजोड़ उजागर हो सकता है, क्योंकि विभिन्न परियोजना स्थलों के बगल में ही बड़े-बड़े तालाबनुमा गड्ढे आज भी खुदे हुए देखे जा सकते है।
उधाहरण के लिए आरा- सासाराम नई रेल लाइन परियोजना को ही ले ले। जिसका काम आजकल तेजी से चल रहा है। इस रेल परियोजना स्थल के किनारे-किनारे सैकडों गहरे और तालाबनुमा गड्ढे खुदे हुए है। इस रेल परियोजना में बड़े भयानक स्टार पर गडबडियां हुई है। इसके अलावा ऐसी कई अन्य रेल परियोजनाएं है, जहाँ जांच में ऐसी तमाम गडबडियां और अनियमितताएं उजागर हो सकती है, जिनमी करोड़ों का भ्रष्टाचार हुआ है और एडहांक आईओडबल्यू, पिडबल्यूआई और सेंट्रल स्टोर्स के बाबू लोग इन ५ वर्षों के दरम्यान ही 'करोड़पति' बन गए है।
हमारे सूत्रों का कहना है की यहाँ के लगभग तमाम ठेकेदार कही न कही रेल मंत्री और अनेक 'कुनबे' से जुड़े हुए है और वह जैसा कहते है, उसे रेल मत्री का कथन मानकर उस पर यहाँ के अधिकारीयों द्बारा अमल किया जाता है। ऎसी स्थिति में बिहार की तमाम निर्माणधीन अथवा पुरी हो चुकी रेल परियोजनाओं में कोई भी निर्धारित मानक नही अपनाया जा रहा है, क्योंकि यहाँ रेल मंत्री और उनके विस्तृत कुनबे का कथन ही 'नियम' है और यह 'नियम' आजकल संपूर्ण भारतीय रेल पर लागू है। इसका सबसे बड़ा उद्धरण यहाँ पिछले करीब डेढ़ साल से खाली पड़ी दीप्ती सीविओ/इंजी. की पोस्ट है, जिससे एक अधिकारी को डेढ़ साल पहले सिर्फ़ इसलिए मनमानी तरीके से हटा दिया गया था, क्योंकि उसने रेल मंत्री के एक नजदीकी बेलास्ट सप्लायर की बेलास्ट की गुणवत्ता और आकार चेक करने की गुस्ताखी कर दी। इसका दूसरा उधाहरण एक वरिष्ठ लेखाधिकारी है, जिसने रेल मंत्री की पसंद वाली एक फाइल रोकने और पास न करने की गुस्ताखी की थी, उसे पिछले करीब तीन साल से अपने बीवी-बच्चों और अपनी रेलवे से दूर रहकर आज भी वनवास भोगना पड़ रहा है। ऐसे ही अन्गानीत उदहारण है।
यही नही पु,म,रे, में कई विजिलेंस इन्स्पेक्टेरों को अनावश्यक सेवा विस्तार दिया गया है, जबकि बेलास्ट लोडिंग और उपरोक्त तमाम प्रकार की अनियामीत्तें यहाँ धड़ल्ले से जारी है। इसके अलावा पु.म.रे. की यह महानता ही है की यहाँ खलासी और किमैनों को एडहाक प्रमोशन देकर पिदब्ल्युआइ/ आयोदाब्ल्यु/ डिपो इंचार्ज बना दिया गया है। जबकि रेलवे बोर्ड के एक आदेशानुसार पुरी भा,रे, में सभी केटेगिरी एवम वर्गों में एडहाक पध्दित बंद कर दी है।
सेंट्रल स्टोर, हाजीपुर के एक जेई को एसई बना दिया गया है, जबकि एक शर्मा नामक खलासी को आईओडबल्यू/ इंचार्ज बनाया गया है। इस तरह जामदार सिंह, खलासी, जिसके ख़िलाफ़ रेल बेचने के दो गंभीर मामलों में विजिलेंस की जांच चल रही है, को सेंट्रल स्टोर का बाबू बना दिया गया है। जबकि दूसरी रेलों से वर्ष २००३-०४ में आप्शन में यहाँ अपना ट्रान्सफर करा कर आए लोगों को अब तक कोई पदोंन्नति नही दी गई है। ऐसे कर्मचारियों का कहना था की यदि उन्हें पदोंन्निती दे दी जायेगी तो रेलमंत्री और उनके कुनबे सहित अधिकारियों की उपरोक्त 'एडहाक' और 'उगाही फौज' का रीवार्सन हो जायेगा। तब उन्हें 'वसूली' करके कौन देगा? कर्मचारियों का कहना था की आप्शन में अन्य रेलों से यहाँ आए सभी विभागों के कर्मचारियों की पदोंन्नित्ति हो चुकी है। मगर इंजी. विभाग में भारी मनमानी के चलते उनकी पदोंन्नित्ति रुकी पड़ी है। ऐसी स्थिति में CBI, सीवीसी और board विजिलेंस को संयुक्त रूप से बिहार की सभी रेल परियोजनाओं में पिछले पाँच वर्षों के दरम्यान अपनाई गई कार्य pranaali गहराई से जांच करनी चाहिए क्योंकि यह देश की आम जनता की भावी sanraksha और suraksha से ही सिर्फ़ जुदा मामला नही है बल्कि आम janata की gaadhi kamaii को hadapne का एक बड़ा shadyantra भी है। उन्हें यह जांच अब इसलिए भी nidar होकर शुरू कर देनी चाहिए की वर्तमान रेलमंत्री का karyakaal पुरा हो रहा है और आम chunaav नजदीक है, jinke बाद उनका kabza भी रेल mantralaya से हट जायेगायह कहना है पु.म.रे. के तमाम अधिकारियों एवम karmchariyon का है। source-railsamachar


Mileage to be calculated as per TA Rs.340/- & Mileage Arrears also to be paid from 01.01.06

NRMU Wrote to AIRF

  1. maayalaoja A^irAsa- 1.1.06 sao donaa haogaa.          
  2. kma maayalaoja roT nahI calaogaa.       
  3. TIe koAnausaar maayalaoja roT donaa haogaa.

Sleep & the Health

New Mileage Rate 01-09-2008

image image


84th Annual Conference of AIRF



HELD IN NEW DELHI from 22-23 OCTOBER, 2008

           The 84th Annual Conference of All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) was held in J.P. Chaubey Nagar, New Delhi(Northern Railway) from 22-23 October, 2008.

            Special trains and split coaches from all over the Indian Railways reached, New Delhi/ Delhi.      

            Delegates and visitors were welcomed by the Reception Committee set up by the host union, i.e. Northern Railwaymen’s Union.

            Messages received from national and international trade union organizations, which included Shri R. Velu, Minister of State for Railways, Shri K.C. Jena, Chairman, Railway Board, Shri Sukhbir Singh, Member Electrical, Railway Board, Bro. David Cockroft, General Secretary, International Transport Workers’ Federation, London, Bro. R. Crow, General Secretary, National Union of Rail Maritime and Transport Workers, All China Federation of Trade Unions, Bro. Shusaku Tsunoda, President, Japan Railway Trade Unions Confederation,  Shri M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR, Bro. Dato Zainal Rampak, General Secretary International Transport Workers Federation, Malaysia, Bro. Shigeru Wada, Regional Secretary, Asia Pacific Region and Norwegian Union of Railway Men Kjell Atle Brunborg.

Conference of the All India Committee of Railway Women Workers

            The session began with the conference of All India Committee of Railway Women Workers on 21st October, 2008 at Badminton Hall, New Delhi. More than one thousand Railway women workers from all over the Indian Railways, Production Units and MTP Kolkata attended the meeting.

Conference of the All India Committee of Railway Women Workers’

Chaired by Smt. D. Shaleel, Chairperson, All India Committee of Railway Women Workers’, 9th All India Railway Women Employees’ Convention, under the banner of AIRF, was held on 21-10-2008 in Badminton Hall, New Delhi with great enthusiasm fanfare, ringing and dancing. 

Smt. Shaleel after welcoming the leaders of AIRF, representatives and leader of AIRF Women’s Wing from all the zonal railways and production units offered coconuts, bouquets and shawl to Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF, Com. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, President, NRMU(NR), Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, NRMU(NR), J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer, AIRF, Jagdish Ajmera, Smt. Tajinder Kaur, Convener, AIRF’s Women and other distinguished guests who were present on the occasion. 

            Before the commencement of the business of the conference, S/Shri Umraomal Purohit, Smt. D. Shaleel and leaders on the dais laid wreaths on the portrait of late Com. J. P. Chaubey who left for heavenly abode on 3rd September, 2008

            Com. Umraomal Purohit in his inaugural address paid rich tributes to late colleague J.P. Chaubey for his contribution in establishment of Women Wing of AIRF and congratulated Smt. D. Shaleel, Tajinder Kaur and others for putting hard labour to build Women Wing all over the Indian Railways. Com. Purohit acquainted all the participants about the Memorandum submitted to the VI CPC on behalf of women employees and recommendations relating to women employees and their problems. It is now up to the leaders and activists of Women Wing of AIRF affiliates to mobilize women employees under the banner of AIRF and its affiliates to get favourable recommendations implemented. All the vacancies of women employees are filled and more and more women are employed. S/Shri Harbhajan Singh, Shiva Gopal Mishra and other senior leaders assured full support to the leaders and activists in their fight for justice and equal statues and called upon the women activists to come forward and take up leadership not only of women employees but also of all Railway employees.

              Smt. D. Shaleel thanked Coms. Umraomal Purohit, Rakhal Das Gupta, Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, Shiva Gopal Mishra, J.R. Bhosale, Mrs. Saroj Dixit and other senior leaders of AIRF for attending the 9th All India Railway Conference and for their good wishes, support and encouragement. She thanked the host union(NRMU(NR)), its leadership and activists of Women’s Wing in making necessary arrangements for lodging and boarding of the participants. She assured Com. Umraomal Purohit and others that the women railway employees would stand by AIRF and its affiliates in their struggle to improve lot of railway employees.

            Com. Tajinder Kaur, Convener, AIRF Women Wing, gave brief account of positive and constructive activities of Women Wing both at the Unit and National level, observance of 8th March 2008 as International Women’s Day and 25th November, 2007 as the day of “Elimination of Violence against Women”. She congratulated all women activists of Women Wing for their active participation in secret ballot for the recognition of unions. She said, “it is a matter of pride and pleasure that all the affiliated unions of AIRF, except NERMU, have established their grand victory for their recognition.

            After deliberations on the women’s problems and submission of brief report about the activities of women wing at the zonal railways and 9th Convention of All India Railway Women’s Wing under the banner of AIRF resolved to strengthen the Women Wings both at the zonal level and national levels for immediate implementations of recommendations of VI CPC and for securing human and equal rights and statues for women.

She said, “NRMU has made excellent arrangements and with the encouragements from the banner of AIRF and zonal unions and the leaders of Women’s Wings at all levels, 9th Annual Convention was a grand success.”

            The Conference ended with the slogan, Nari Shakti Zindabad!”

Working Committee Meeting of AIRF

            Working Committee of AIRF met on 22nd October, 2008 from 14.30 hrs., when minutes of the last Working Committee meeting of AIRF, held on 17-18 August, 2008, in New Delhi, were circulated and confirmed, programme of the Conference was finalized, resolutions were discussed and a four member committee, including S/Shri Rakhal Das Gupta, Shiva Gopal Mishra, J.R. Bhosale and P.R. Menon, was formed to give resolutions a final shape. Letter written by Com. P.R. Menon to Com. Umraomal Purohit was discussed and the same was withdrawn.     

Inaugural Session

            On 22nd October, 2008, Inaugural Session of the 84th Annual Conference of AIRF was held in a decorated Pandal, which was attended by more than 20,000 delegates and visitors from across the country. Prior to that, a massive rally was taken out from the ceremonial siding of New Delhi Railway Station to J.P. Chaubey Nagar(Karnail Singh Stadium), New Delhi.

            Welcome address was read out by Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Chairman, Reception Committee. At the outset, he spoke that it unthinkable that the Conference of AIRF is being held without Chaubeyji. He gave a detailed account of his loving memory of Com. J.P. Chaubey. He explained the struggling character and achievements of AIRF. He also requested the Hon’ble Minister for Railways for the recruitment of son/wards of Railway employees in the Railway

            Shri Ashok Kumar, General Secretary, All India SC/ST Association, Shri Jitender Singh, Secretary General, Indian Railway Promotee Officers Association, Shri U.S. Jha, General Secretary, All India RPF Association expressed solidarity with AIRF. Shri Surender Mohan, a social leader, gave valuable speech.

            Shri Thampan Thomas, President, HMS thanked the Railwaymen for their contribution for the development of the country.  He also expressed happiness that the Railway unions have added tremendous strength in building the organization of HMS throughout the country.  He congratulated all affiliated unions of AIRF, including AIRF leadership, for their thumping victory in the secret ballot.

            Shri Rakhal Dass Gupta, Acting General Secretary, AIRF, spoke in details about the activities of AIRF and congratulated the Railwaymen for their relentless fight to compel the Government for the appointment of VI CPC and also to improve its report further.  He also congratulated all sections of Railwaymen for their continuous fight to revise the ceiling limit of Productivity Linked Bonus from Rs.2500/- p.m. to Rs.3500/- p.m. with retrospective effect and thus created a history.

            Shri S.S. Khurana, Member Staff, Railway Board, addressed the huge gathering. He congratulated the Railwaymen for turning the table of the Railways by their untiring efforts.  He congratulated the leadership of AIRF for maintaining healthy industrial relations. In his speech, he mentioned that in such a big industry of 14 lakh Railway workers, no man-day was lost. He   congratulated the Railwaymen in achieving the improved recommendations of the VI CPC and also  for having enhanced PLB.

            Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Lalu Prasad, gave a boost to the gathering by his illuminating speech.  He gave a detailed account of contribution of Railwaymen in the working of the Indian Railways in all spheres. He said that the improvement in the Railways has been  achieved and credit goes to the Railwaymen and not to him. He elaborated works done by the Railways in improving travelling facilities, providing comfortable journey to the travellers. He said that while there is price rise in all spheres, the Indian Railways has reduced fare and also extended different types of concessions to different segments of the society.  He mentioned about the devastating flood in Bihar and acknowledged Railwaymens’ contribution of one-day wage for the relief of flood victims.

            He expressed concern about abduction and killing of the Railwaymen by the terrorists. He also mentioned about the latest abduction of the Traffic staff at Meclecsiganj in Dhanbad Division of East Central Railway. 

            He paid his high tributes to the memory of the late J.P. Chaubey and added some of his important interaction with Com. J.P. Chaubey. He said that a bust of Chaubeyji should be installed. He said that Assstt. Drivers, Gangmen and others are working in the challenging situations to keep the wheels of Railways on move. He expressed sympathy for the appointment of the wards of the Railwaymen in the Railways and promised to explore possibility for their engagement as Substitute. He expressed in details, the difficulties arrived while revising the ceiling limit of PLB  from Rs. 2500/- to Rs.3500/- p.m. and dedicated the same achievement to Chaubeyji. He also promised to look into the anomalies of the VI CPC as well as pay fixation of Group `D’ staff.

            Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF, gave a detailed account of the struggle of  AIRF.  While expressing deep sorrow, he paid glowing tribute to the memory of Com. J.P. Chaubey and detailed out his long association with Chaubeyji. He gave a detailed account of history of AIRF. He explained in details the struggle of the Railwaymen in setting up of the VI CPC and Railwaymens’ struggle in inducting the concept of PLB and its improvement from time to time. He also explained in detail, how the report of the Pay Commission could be improved due to untiring efforts of the Staff Side, National Council(JCM) and AIRF. He explained that immediate after submission of the report by the VI CPC, he himself met the Member Secretary, Sixth Central Pay Commission and got clarification issued in respect of granting of minimum pay of Rs.7,000 to all Group `D’ staff and also to modify recommendations of the Pay Commission in respect of PLB, Running Allowance, etc. etc.

He further mentioned that on his suggestion, the Expenditure Secretary took no time to remove the word “Complex”, which enabled thousands of employees to draw Transport Allowance, but at the same time, he expressed concern about the inordinate delay from the Railway Ministry in the matter of RCP.   

            He said that it is AIRF and AIRF alone could compel the Government to modify and improve the report of the VI CPC. During his long speech he also explained the steps taken by AIRF to compel the Government to enhance the eligibility ceiling limit of PLB from Rs.2500/- p.m. to Rs.3500/- p.m. with retrospective effect from 1.4.2006. He said that PLB was first achieved by the AIRF, and then it was extended to other Central Government employees. This time also, ceiling of PLB has been raised from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- on the agitation of AIRF, and other Central Government employees have also got the benefits subsequently.    

He congratulated all the Railwaymen for thumping  victory of the unions affiliated to AIRF during secret Ballot. He appealed to the Railwaymen to remain united under the banner of AIRF to make it more viable

            Vote of thanks was extended by Com. Harbhajan Singh Sidhu .

23.10.2008 - Delegate Session

            On 23rd October, Delegate Session started with illuminating speech of Comrade Umraomal Prohit, President, AIRF.

            Com. Rakhal Dass Gupta presented the Report of the General Secretary.

            The following Resolutions, duly proposed and supported, were unanimously adopted after the debate:- 

Resolution No.1 - Tribute to Com. J. P. Chaubey

Comrade J.P. Chaubey, a fearless doyen of the trade union movement in the country, had rendered invaluable services for the cause of downtrodden people of the country in general and the Railwaymen in particular. He had suffered imprisonment, remained out of services for 12 years. Undaunted by punishment and hard life, late Com. J.P. Chaubey continued to render his valuable services to improve the lot of Railwaymen by persuasion and struggle. Through his untiring efforts, Com. Chaubey could put AIRF in a pivotal position in the trade union movement of the country. He had a commendable leadership quality. He was an architect of organizing and leading united struggle of Railway employees and civil servants. This 84th annual Conference of AIRF records its deep appreciation and regard for the sacrifices and services which Com. J.P. Chaubey had rendered for raising the living standard of the Railwaymen and resolves to carry forward the unfinished task of Comrade J. P. Chaubey.

(Moved by Com. S. G.  Mishra, AGS/AIRF at the behest of Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF)

Resolution No.2 - On the Perspective

This 84th Annual Conference of AIRF notes with concern that even after 61 years of independence, progress in the matters of education, health, infant mortality, death of child bearing mothers, shelter, employment is much far from expectation. Healthcare and education have become too costly and beyond the reach of common people. People below Poverty Line are still abysmal high over 30 crores.

Women folk in the country is subjected to violence. They are sexually harassed. Corruption and criminalization are eating away the vital parts of the society. Communalism is showing its ugly face in different parts of the country on some form or other. Terrorism has caused serious problems throughout the country. Condition of small and marginal farmers is beyond any comprehension. In large part of the country, they are in debt trap.

The Government has enacted Special Economic Zones Act, extending all sorts of largesse to the business tycoons. Prices of all essential commodities are on stiff rise, making life of common people miserable.

Due to policies persuaded by the Government, dictated by the IMF and the World Bank, employment situation ids becoming gloomy day by day. There has been Jobless Growth in the country. ASIRF in conjunction with HMS has been fighting the battle of employment with the demand to include “Right to Work as a Fundamental Right” in the Constitution of the Country. Unemployment is a big threat for the development of young generation.

            This Conference calls upon the Railwaymen to build up pressure on the Government to change its IMF and World Bank guided socio-economic policies and to adopt policies which will be for common good of all concerned. 

(Proposed by Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra and seconded by Com. Ch. Sankara Rao)

Resolution No.3 - Achievements

This 84th Annual Conference of AIRF notes with deep appreciation and satisfaction that immediate after submission of the report of VI CPC to the government on 24.3.2008, Secretary, Staff Side(NC/JCM), Com. Umraomal Purohit, met the Member Secretary, Sixth Central Pay Commission and on his intervention, VI CPC had issued Corrigendum simplifying fixation of pay of Group `D’ employees in PB-I and also in the matter of PLB and Running Allowance that those should be decided between the Federations and the Railway Board after due discussion.

Staff Side, NC/JCM submitted a note to the Chairman, NC/JCM(Cabinet Secretary) and AIRF submitted a note to the Railway Board on the Railway’s matters. The issues were discussed with the Empowered Committee of Secretaries, headed by the Cabinet Secretary appointed by the government for the purpose. On the basis of these discussions, Fixation Formula, both for serving as well as retired employees, modified from multiplying factor of 1.74 to 1.86. Pay Bands revised, minimum pay raised from Rs.6660 to Rs.7000, minimum pension revised from Rs.3300 to Rs.3500, ACP revised from 2 to 3 at an interval of 10, 20 and 30 years of service, rate of annual increment was raised from 2.5% to 3% of Basic Pay, rate of Transport Allowance revised from Rs.400 to Rs.600 for Class `A’ cities and from Rs.300 to Rs.400 for other cities/localities.       

                  The government has decided to set up Anomalies Committee and also to set up Fast Track Committee and referred the matter of pay scales of Master Craftsman and Pharmacist to the Fast Track Committee. Though clarifications in respect of Fixation of Pay of Group `D’ staff in scale Rs.2750-4400 and then its equivalent scale Rs.5200-20200(PB-1) + Rs.1800(Grade Pay) is ensured with effect from 1.1.2006 and arrears should be paid from the same date. This Conference further urges upon the Ministry of Railways to implement it immediately.

There have been anomalies in the matter of pay scales and AIRF office is flooded with representations from different categories of staff. Although the word “Campus” and mandatory distance of 1 km have been removed by the Finance Ministry, Railway Board have imposed a rider of Residential Card Pass/Workmen Shuttle Pass/School Pass to deny Transport Allowance most arbitrarily. It is noted that AIRF has been strongly pursuing this matter.

This Conference further notes with great satisfaction that the year long demand of raising eligibility limit of PLB from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- with retrospective effect from 1.4.2006 has been considered by the Government and orders have been issued to pay PLB to the Railwaymen at the revised rate, including payment of arrear of PLB for the year 2006-07. This Conference also notes with satisfaction that this decision has been simultaneously extended to all the Central Government employees. 

This Conference congratulates the Secretary, Staff Side(NC/JCM) Com. Umraomalji and the leadership of AIRF for taking timely steps for resolving the issues and ensuring timely payment.

(Proposed by Com. Salil Lawrence  and Seconded by Com. Ch. Gandhi)

Resolution No. 4 - Problems of the Railwaymen

            This 84th Annual Conference of AIRF notes with concern that in spite of increase in the number of trains and volume of works, staff are being reduced on the pretext of Benchmarking/Rightsizing etc. instead of sanctioning additional staff for undertaking additional workload. 

Classification of duty hours are being downgraded from “Intensive” to “Continuous” and “Continuous” to “Essentially Intermittent”. Staff are being compelled to work for longer hours. Running staff are being compelled to work more than 10 hours from “Signing On” to “Signing Off”. They are compelled to remain away from the Headquarters for 3-4 days. Their periodical rest is abrogated. Staff are denied leave at the time of their need. Thus, additional burden of work is being thrust upon them without any humane consideration. 

Vacancies lying over lakhs are not being filled up. There has been virtual ban in recruitment of staff. Further staff rendered surplus are being transferred in far flung areas, compelling them to maintain double establishments. Education of their children suffers badly. This set of surplus employees forfeit all the benefits of promotion, whatever they have earned during their service period.

This Conference also notes with concern that perennial nature jobs are being outsourced in violation of Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. Outsourcing is being done with sole intention to get the work done by deploying cheap labour employed through the outside agencies. This system is a breeding ground of exploitation and corruption.

This Conference directs the General Secretary to evolve a system in consultation with the affiliates to organize the contract labour under the umbrella of AIRF systematically.

This Conference also notes with concern that Group `C’ and `D’ employees are being transferred on the plea of sensitive post, causing untold sufferings, dislocation of family, disturbance in children’s education leading to economic hardship and mental agony.

            This Conference also notes with concern that the living condition in the Railway Quarters has not been improved. Corporate Welfare Plan was framed with much fanfare, but it has produced a mole out of mountain. Although it was decided at the apex level as far back as 1973 that the Type-I quarter also should be of two-room but the staff are being compelled to live in single room Type-I quarter in unhygienic condition.

            Medical facilities are most inadequate. The staff working at the roadside stations and gang huts are also denied medical facilities. There are widespread complaints about the quality of medicines. Hospitals are under staffed, specialists in various disciplines are not available and in many cases staff are being compelled to take the help of outside medical aid after spending hefty amount.

            It is the motto of Railway staff to reach the travelling public safely to their destination. There have been number of impediments in the matter. To keep the rolling stock in good fettle it is necessary that the spare parts and other materials need to be of good quality/standard, but there is compromise in the matter of quality/standard causing failure of rolling stock. Due to vandalism by the outside agencies, sometime safety in the train operation suffers. All out efforts need to be made to improve the quality of spare parts etc. and also to take measures to stop vandalism.

            There has been abnormal delay in the matter of offering compassionate ground appointment. Unsympathetic attitude of higher officials is standing as a stumbling block in the matter of compassionate ground appointment. Indiscriminate surrender of posts is also a contributing factor in the matter of delay in compassionate ground appointment. Railways should streamline the procedure, so that compassion is shown with utmost sympathy and the wards of the Railwaymen died in harness or declared medically unfit are appointed within the shortest possible time.

            AIRF is totally opposed to the New Pension Scheme. There has been defined deduction but no defined benefit. The amount of pension is not defined. Provision of family pension is also absent. Apprehension of AIRF in the matter of utilization of the funds in the share market has come true. There is notch drive in Sensex from 21, 000 points in January, 2008 to 11,000 points in October, 2008. It is apprehended that the money deposited under the New Pension Scheme may become a casualty.

            AIRF demanded to scrap the anti-labour report of the Running Allowances Committee-2002”. In the wake of strike negotiation in January/February, 2006, it was decided that a “High Powered Committee, headed by an eminent Retired Judge of High Court would be appointed to go into the matter of duty hours of Running staff and other safety categories of  staff, but the Railway Ministry has not yet set up the committee and Running staff and other safety categories staff are being compelled to work for longer hours, jeopardizing the safety of travelling public as well as of themselves.

“Group `D’ Staff Promotion Committee” was appointed as per strike negotiation in February, 2006. The Committee was appointed and the Committee has since submitted its report. This Conference demands upon the Ministry of Railways to discuss the issue threadbare with the organized labour for its implementation as suggested by AIRF. 

            This Conference also notes with concern that the long pending demand for treatment of full period of CL/CPC service for the purpose of pensionery benefits is yet to be conceded. The issue of revision of rate of incentive bonus for workshop staff is also a long pending demand. Railway Board have issued orders for closure of printing presses. This has been protested by AIRF and upon the discussion, Railway Board have appointed a Committee. AIRF strongly opposed to the closure of printing presses as this will be proved counter productive.

            This Conference directs the affiliated unions of AIRF to mobilize the Railwaymen on the above problems and mount pressure on the Railway administration to resolve them.  

(Proposed by Com. J.R. Bhosale and Seconded by Com. S.K. Brahma)

After the General Secretary’s Report and placing of the Resolutions, the President invited the delegates to participate in the discussion on the General Secretary’s Report and also on the Resolutions. There was lovely discussion. Many useful suggestions and criticisms were made by the delegates.

Some of the delegates who participated in the discussion were - S/Shri Asish Biswas, A.M. D’Cruz, P.R. Menon, U.C. Tyagi, M.N. Bajpai, R.D. Yadav,  R.K. Chattopadhyaya, Rajinder Singh, Sisir Mazumder, B.N. Shukla, Ms D. Saleel , Sonia Hasija  and others.

In the Delegate Session, various issues were discussed, some of them were – recommendations of the VI CPC, Allowances, Pay Fixation of Group `D’ Staff, Anomalies, PLB, Outsourcing, Safety, New Pension Scheme, Recognition of the unions in the Production Units and MTP, Compassionate Ground Appointment, arbitrary surrendering of posts, filling up of vacancies, Safety Related Retirement Scheme, problems faced by the various categories of staff, maintenance of Railway Colonies and quarters, improvement in the medical facilities, constitution of the Women Committees Division-wise, etc. etc.  

            Resignation given by Shri K.L. Gupta from the post of Working President/AIRF was  accepted and lastly following persons were elected unanimously to fill up the vacancies:-

            (i)         Shri Rakhal Das Gupta , Working President, AIRF

            (ii)        Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF

            (iii)       Shri K.L. Gupta, Asstt. General Secretary, AIRF

            (iv)       Shri Harbhajan Singh Sidhu, Asstt. General Secretary, AIRF

            (v)        Shri Y.K. Sharma, Working Committee Member, AIRF/NRMU(NR)

            The President appreciated the host union - Northern Railwaymen’s Union for making wonderful arrangements and extending hospitality to the delegates and visitors while their stay during the conference. 

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair


                84th Annual Conference of AIRF will be held at New Delhi from October 22-24, 2008. Northern Railwaymen`s Union is organised the conference.

                                        Dated: September 25, 2008

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions and Members of  AIRF Working Committee

Dear Comrades,

            Sub: Notice for the 84th Annual Conference of AIRF scheduled to be held in New  Delhi from 22-24 October, 2008

Notice is hereby issued under Article 7(c) of the Constitution of All India Railwaymen’s Federation that the 84th Annual Conference of AIRF will be held in New Delhi(Northern Railway) from 22-24 October, 2008. The following will be agenda of the Conference:-

            (i) Consideration of the General Secretary’s Report.

           (ii)        Consideration of the subjects, as may be referred to the General Council by the affiliated unions.

           (iii)       Consideration of the resolutions, including those received from the affiliated unions.

           (iv)       Consideration of the amendments to the Constitution, if any proposed;

           (v)        Filling up of the vacancies of the Office Bearers and Members of Working Committee.

          (vi)       Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

                                          Yours fraternally,

                                 (Rakhal Das Gupta) 
                           Acting General Secretary


Review Babus after 20 Yrs, Sack if Unfit

Govt panel for sacking of babus if found unfit after 20 yrs service


In an attempt to make bureaucracy accountable, a radical system of assessment has been mooted by an official panel allowing government servants to be sacked after 20 years of service if they are found unfit to continue.
The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) headed by senior Congress leader M Veerappa Moily recommended unprecedented and far-reaching changes in the service rules of government servants and suggested two intensive reviews to make civil servants accountable.

The first of its kind report in 150 years suggests far-reaching recommendations, including removal of non performing bureaucrats and perhaps even a formal degree in public policy.

The report on 'Refurbishing of Personnel Administration' said the first review at 14 years would primarily serve the purpose of intimating to the public servant about his or her strengths and shortcomings, while the second review at 20 years would mainly serve to assess the fitness of the officer for further continuation in service.

"The services of public servants, who are found to be unfit after the second review at 20 years, should be discontinued. A provision regarding this should be made in the proposed Civil Services Law," the second ARC said in its latest report released today.

To ensure better accountability, the 377-page report said that for new appointments, it should be expressly provided that the period of employment shall be for 20 years. "Further continuance in government service would depend upon the outcome of the intensive performance reviews," it said.

"The ACR will not exist in its present form," M Veerappa Moily, who heads the panel, told reporters at a press conference where he released the report.

In the aftermath of Mumbai terror strikes, as political heads roll, the report is being seen as the government’s effort to bring babus within the accountability umbrella.

Sensing massive public outcry, the politicians have closed their ranks to send a positive message to the people that they are united in their war on terror. Hence the pressure is on the babus to follow suit.

Following are the three key recommendations of the panel:

The officers can be removed within the 14th and the 20th year of an officer’s tenure.

To encourage bright candidates for a long stint in the services, the upper age limit is also being lowered to 25 years for general candidates.

A formal degree in public policy and management is also being proposed.

"The first review will be held after 14 years and the second one after 20 years. It will assess whether the officer is fit to continue. If the recommendations are followed it will end the politician- bureaucrat nexus,” says Administrative Reforms Commission Chairman, Veerapa Moily.

Among the high-profile bureaucrats getting to complete their tenure is the troika responsible for maintaining internal security: National Security Advisor MK Narayanan, Intelligence Bureau Chief PC Haldar and Research and Analysis Wing chief AK Chaturvedi.

"The time has come for bureaucrats to put their hand up and be counted,” says ex-IPS officer Ved Marwah.

Key recommendations:

Government servants could lose their job after 20 years of service if they failed to come up to the expectations of their superiors.

The report on 'Refurbishing of Personnel Administration' said the first review at 14 years would primarily serve the purpose of intimating to the public servant about his or her strengths and shortcomings, while the second review at 20 years would mainly serve to assess the fitness of the officer for further continuation in service.

To ensure better accountability, the 377-page report said that for new appointments, it should be expressly provided that the period of employment shall be for 20 years. "Further continuance in government service would depend upon the outcome of the intensive performance reviews," it said.

It also said that performance appraisal should be year round and provisions for detailed work-plan and a mid-year review should be introduced for all services.

Noting that a good employee performance appraisal system was a pre-requisite for an effective performance management system, the Commission suggested making appraisal more consultative and transparent.

The report said the annual performance agreements should be signed between the department minister and the secretary of the ministry or heads of departments, providing physical and verifiable details of the work to be done during a financial year.

The actual performance should be assessed by a third party with reference to the annual performance agreement, it said.

For motivating civil servants, the report said, there was a need to recognise their outstanding work.

It said selections of foreign assignments should be made on the basis of recommendations of the Central Civil Services Authority.

On disciplinary proceedings, it said the proposed civil services law should have a provision that the present oral inquiry process is converted into a disciplinary meeting or interview to be conducted by a superior officer in a summary manner without the trappings and procedures borrowed from court trials.

On relations between political executive and civil servants, the panel said there was a need to safeguard the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil services.

I could not understand why 14 and 20 years are taken or rather given to an inefficient officer to be shown the doors?
Whether the panel would contain Officers? How will assure sanctity in such panel?
If GOI is serious about this, then consider the following;
1. Make the period of testing 5, 10, 15, 20 years.
2. The panel shall contain reputed citizens from all walks of life, where people have earned fame and contributed richly to the country.
3. There shall be no pardon or lesser punishment. Only sacking with penal recovery. Corruption to be severely treated with.
4. Names and photographs of such persons shall appear in leading news papers and TV Channels so that he shall never be able cheat upon other enterprises, be it Government, semi-Government, private.
I hope this will really see that country is weeded of heavy headed bureaucrats from continuously infecting the offices.

The big question is that WHO WILL BELL THE CAT. If the power is given to the officers they will utilise it against Class 3 and 4 workers ,as presently they are doing.
Any way ACCOUNTABILITY is a must.

Accountability is lacking in even Deptt. of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances where they claim in a dedicated website that there would at least be an interim reply to the online grievances lodged with all the details. But all claims are only for the sake of showing having launched the online grievance redressal system. There is no response,at all, to grievances lodged as far back as Aug 2008 despite repeated reminders. Would such thinks be held accountable?-DR Rajesh Choda Ministry of Labour

New HBA policy being delayed

New HBA policy being delayed

The economic downturn seems to be delaying the announcement of a new home loan policy for Central Government employees as recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission (CPC).

Known as the house building assistance (HBA), it’s a key interest-bearing advance given by the government to its employees to construct/acquire house/flats of their own.

The HBA is given to all permanent employees, members of All India Services (IAS, IPS & IFS) deputed to the Central government, public sector undertakings (PSUs) under control of the Centre, international organisations, autonomous bodies etc. The advance is to assist acquiring a plot and constructing a house thereon, building a new house on a plot already owned singly or jointly with spouse, enlarging living accommodation in a house, purchase of a ready built house/flat etc.

According to existing rules, the cost of the house (excluding cost of land) should not exceed 134 times the basic pay (and dearness pay taken together) subject to a maximum of Rs 18 lakh and a minimum of Rs 7.5 lakh.

Although this advance is interest-bearing, it has an inherent subsidy since interest is has to be paid only after the principal has been repaid and simple interest is chargeable on the advance. The rates of interest, therefore, are somewhat lower than existing market rates.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission in its report said: “It is desirable to provide only for the element of interest subsidy and make available various interest bearing advances to government employees through arrangements with public sector banks. This will not only give the government employee the freedom to approach the specified bank for a loan but would also simplify the existing procedures saving a lot of administrative work which is presently being done in government offices for grant of loans and servicing thereof.”

The CPC recommended the government should enter into an agreement with leading PSU banks to extend this facility at pre-determined competitive rates to its employees. The employee shall take the loans/advances directly from the bank with the approval of the sanctioning authority in the government and repay instalments directly to the bank.

The Sixth CPC also said: “The eligibility for taking the advances should also be removed because the repaying capacity would, in any case, be considered by the concerned bank at the time of processing the loan application. This will also extend to the ceiling of Rs 18 lakh presently prescribed on the cost of house for purposes of house building advance. Therefore, this ceiling should also be removed.”

But this policy has not been implemented till date. The Ministry of Finance in a notification dated October 24 said: “The implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to interest bearing advances granted to government employees is under consideration of the government. Meanwhile, pending finalisation of the new arrangement, the existing provisions for interest-bearing advances to purchase motor car, motorcycle, scooter, moped and personal computer would continue to be in operation.” But it was silent on the HBA.

Pay Anomaly Day 30.12.2008 --NRMU

Please Send Telegram,


Telegram Matter

Chairman, Railway Board

General Secretary, AIRF

“Start immediate dialogue on anomalies and remove them without any delay”



Branch:-Loco Traffic Running Staff

Place:- Solapur

NRMU, Central Railway


Com.R.V.Jadhav Elected as Chairman/LTRS

NRMU Table Calendar 2009

Com.R.V.Jadhav Elected as Chairman

Com.R.V.Jadhav/Mail Express Guard

Elected unopposed as Chairman of

Loco & Traffic Running Staff Branch,

National Railway Mazdoor Union,


NRMU boycotted PNM

In protest of Administration’s specially of Sr.DME/SUR’s Anti Labour attitude National Railway Mazdoor Union (NRMU) Solapur boycotted the PNM Meeting which was called by administration on 19/12/2008.

HQ PNM was also Boycotted

In protest of Administration’s Anti Labour attitude National Railway Mazdoor Union (NRMU) Central Railway boycotted the PNM Meeting which was called by administration on 17/12/2008.

It’s a nothing but an intimation to the administration to act seriously in positive view on issues raised in PNM & to stop harassment of Railway Employees specially Running Staff & Trackmen otherwise he will be responsible for disturbing of Peaceful Industrial Relations which will force the Railway Employees to agitate resulting inconvenience to the Public due to interruption of Train Operations.


Non-performers will out --ARC

A REFORMS panel set up by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has recommended that non-performing bureaucrats should be booted out after 20 years of service and the upper age limit to sit for the civil services examination be reduced from 30 to 25 years.

“The services of public servants, who are found to be unfit after the second review at 20 years, should be discontinued. A provision regarding this should be made in the proposed Civil Services Law," the second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) headed by M. Veerappa Moily said in its latest report released on Friday .

The report on ‘Refurbishing of Personnel Administration’ said the first review at 14 years would primarily serve the purpose of intimating the public servant about his or her strengths and shortcomings, while the second review at 20 years would mainly serve to assess the fitness of the officer for continuation of service.

The report was submitted to the PM last month and was made public on Friday. This is not the first time that the government has received recommendations on these lines. The Y.K. Alagh committee, set up eight years ago to overhaul the civil services examination system, had also recommended reducing the upper age limit.

Government officials said they had moved files to implement this recommendation, but had to put them aside due to stiff resistance from politicians who fear a lower entry age would only benefit candidates from the metros.

The Moily-chaired panel has also favoured introduction of a formal degree course in public policy and management in the higher education curriculum for candidates seeking a career in civil services.

“This would also discourage the system of coaching centres which have tended to distort the formal education system,” the report said. Describing the recommendations as “most revolutionary”, Veerappa Moily said the commission has recommended a post-school grooming system for civil services aspirants.


Blood Donation at SUR

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Railway’s Real Hero of Mumbai 26/11 Attack

Who is responsible for the killing of
57 innocent passengers at CSTM?


We salute the 2 main hero of CST railway. Announcer Zende who alerted the passengers and Railway staff about the Terrorist and thereby saved the life of 100 of passengers who would have been the target of bullets of terrorist. Even bullets were fired at him but it did not deter him to do his job of alerting the passengers as well as RPF & GRP staff. His act is parallel to the heroic of courage and presence of mind as in such circumstances he stayed at his duty without fearing the bullet of Terrorist.
The 2nd hero of 26/11 at CST is Jhullu Yadav a head constable of RPF post CST (ADM) who had shown extra ordinary valour and courage to fire at the Terrorists inspite of very limited option as on that day he was on duty at inside gate of GM’s building adjacent to main concourse hall of sub-urban train platforms without Arms. He after hearing the announcement and gun shot came out of his duty beat towards the concourse hall and finding the terrorists standing near the plat form 3 & 4 he flung one chair from TC office to distract the attention of Terrorist and then asked one GRP Constable who was there at TC office at that time with rifle to shoot at the Terrorist but since the GRP Constable was hesitant to shoot he snatched the rifle from the GRP Staff and fired 2 rounds at the Standing Terrorists who back fire at him with volley of bullets but he hide himself. This heroic act of Jhullu Yadav is nothing but his commitment to his duty and to the Nation as a whole.
The other Railway staff including RPF and GRP who were either perished or injured seriously by the bullet of terrorists while doing their line of duty are also praise worthy as at least they stand out boldly to face the bullet of Terrorists than to run away fearing for their own life. According CPRO/CR Shri Mudgerikar those who died to the bullet of Terrorists are

1. Inspector GRP/CST Shri Shashank Shinde

2. ACTI/CSTM Shri Sushil Kumar Sharma,

3.Shri M. L. Chaube, Head Constable RPF

4.Shrimati Harika Bai Lalji Solanki, Safaiwali

The 7 other sustained injured including

ASI/RPF R. N. Nashit,

Hd. Const. RPF B. N. Giri,

Constable RPF Firoz Khan and one Pointsman.
But now the question here arises as what and where it went wrong when we could not save the life of 57 innocent passengers from the bullets of Terrorists who thronged at CST Station Without being noticed by any one and killed so many passengers and seriously injuring double the number at their will and went out of CST with out any challenge from our security forces both RPF & GRP.
These are very important Questions about the goofed up security at CST on 26/11. On July, 2006 local trains were ripped apart by series of seven bomb blast and aftermath the security at various Rly station were tighten up and modernised Electronic gadgets were installed by investing crores of rupees .Even modern Arms like Insas Rifle were acquired but what happened on 26/11 at CST.
The statement of the then GM Central Railway Smt. Sowmya Raghavan, reported in news paper when she, went on a round of the CST building on Thursday morning. “Railway stations are often vulnerable. The terrorists highly-sophisticated weapons whereas our system isn’t really foolproof to tackle a strike like this,” and similarly the statement of DRM Mumbai shri J .N. Lal that we need advanced weapons like the AK-47 to beat a terror strike like this . These statement to the press by Railway officials are nothing but to save their own skin. Even higher RPF and GRP officers always give press release that in absence of advanced weapon and electronic gadgets they are no match to the Terrorist who are armed with highly sophisticated weapons is nothing but to befool the people of this nation. As we have seen that a 52 year old head constable of RPF Jhullu Yadav who was Unarmed but due to his high moral and commitment towards duty and Nation did not deter him to face the Terrorist 1st by throwing a chair towards the Terrorist and later on snatching a rifle of other police man and firing on them.
A) As per the news paper report about 100 security personnel both GRP & RPF were there on 26/11 Senior divisional security commissioner of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) S. C. Parhi admitted that barely six of the 34 RPF personnel deployed at CST were armed on Wednesday night. “We do not provide weapons to all our personnel as some duties demand lathis to be possessed whereas some call for holding weapons. Also, the weapons used are pistols and revolvers, which are insufficient to deal with advanced equipment.” This statement to the press clearly shows that no one from RPF were With INSAS Rifle which was acquired recently. On that day only Jullu Yadav fired at Terrorist that too from the rifel of GRP. What About the other RPF & GRP staff Who were with Arms why they did not fight with Terrorists.
B) RPF is claiming that Inspector Sandeep Kiratkar and Kiran Bhosle had also fired at the Terrorists and they were rewarded Rs 5 lakh each by Rly Minster. But insider at CST revealed that These two RPF officers were not there at the time of Terrorist attack. Like the footage of CCTV showing Jhullu Yadav firing at the Terrorist is not there to show their involvement in engaging the Terrorist in the fight. Even though Times of India Photographer Sebastian D’souza and eyewitness S.S Sharma, food stall owner at CST claimed that no one dared to confront or any counter attack from security forces at CST. Moreover if presumed that they were engaging the Terrorist then how the 2 Terrorist were allowed to walk past platform no .1 and they were not chased by these two RPF officers or why the Mumbai city police personnel who were there in good number outside the CST in front of Mumbai corporation H. Q. were not informed. This non chase of Terrorist also resulted into killing of 3 ATS officers by the same Terrorist near Cama hospital. Sources even says that when the Terrorists left CST, RPF/IG/CSC B. S. Siddu came to CST & called these 2 officers and asked them to show their fight with Terrorist and these 2 officers fired in air to show that they fired from their arms.
C) In CST main station where the massacre of all the 57 passengers occurred too have quit a good number of CCTV cameras but so far not a single footage of that gruesome killing by the Terrorist is available. Why ? who is responsible for this ? Who is monitoring the CCTV ? One staff is specially deputed at CST Main RPF Office to monitor as well as zooming and rotating the cameras what report he has given about the incident ? Where are the recording datas ?

If CCTV footage were properly monitored and movement of each act of Terrorist would have been captured then on the same day discovery of bag containing 8.5 kg. RDX would have been made. Who has to be blamed ? it is reported in the media that on that day some CCTV were not in working condition then who is responsible for this slackness as so important evidence about movement and killing by Terrorist were not captured in cameras ?

Sources in this matter revealed that on that 26/11 CCTV were in working condition but recording were stopped by RPF/GRP Inspector as nefarious activities are being carried out by them on long distance train .
D) What GRP was doing as they are suppose to tackle law & order problem on Railways ? It is being said that all most all the GRP staff ran away to save their own life instead of
fighting with the Terrorist.
E) why the security at CST was so relax? inspite of knowing that it was on Terrorist target as lakhs and lakhs people are commuting every day from CST. GRP as well as RPF were aware of this fact but they did not bother to keep armed staff there.

G) Prior to 26/11 Is there any action plan prepared by higher officers of GRP & RPF to tackle an armed intruder entering in CST ? If yes why sufficient armed men were not there and any briefing were given to the staff as how to tackle such situation. If no then why inspite of threat all these security measures were not followed and who is to be blamed for death of 57 passengers.
H) The H.Q. of RPF is situated in parcel office building on platform no 13, IG/CSC/RPF Shri B. S. Siddu sits there every day morning, evening he passes through the area where 57 passengers were killed and scores of others injured on 26/11. Has he not noticed at any time the necessity of armed men or any action plan to tackle any eventuality if any one enters there and start random firing or was he not aware about the security threat to passengers of CST ?
I) Why Shri B. S. Siddu required daily 8 RPF commando wearing black uniform with automatic Insas rifle ? Is he entitle to do so ? If commando is only for RPF officers then who is there to safe guard poor passengers ?
J) RPF is asking for more man power to tackle these Terrorist. Sources reveal that With IG/CSC/RPF shri B. S. Siddu in addition to these 8 commando one more officer of the rank of ASI is attached who is always with arms. Around 6 more staff are working at his resident & amongst them one is of the rank of Inspector. He has one official Ambassador car but he had taken one more Travera from Pune division and fitted Air-conditioner in it. If calculate the monthly expenditure on Mr. Siddu is more than 2 lakhs on all these staff Railway is paying.
k) On the night of 26/11 if you will see out of 5 RPF staff Including 1 dead 3 injured and one Jhullu Yadav all are above 50 yrs of age except one Firoz Khan who is around 40 yrs. Now sources reveal that in all the possible RPF offices and post most of the young staff are either working as office staff or kept in plain uniform for nefarious activities.
If we look into the lapses on the part of GRP and RPF staff for their apathy in playing with the life of innocent passengers then, these Officers who had failed to protect the Railway passengers by not adopting suitable security measures at CST station on 26/11 have to face the criminal charges. Merely riding on the back of heroic of Jhullu Yadav will not save them and they can not shirk their responsibility. Nation as a Whole want to know why they failed to provide security on 26/11. Criminal charges should be initiated against them so that others will learn lessons and such lapses can be avoided.
We want reply from GM, CRB and Railway Minister as they are directly responsible to the kins of killed and injured passengers. Giving clean cheat to these callous Security Officials means nothing else but protecting anti National elements.
While the GRP and RPF were busy fighting to take credit for driving out the Terrorists, a bag loaded with 8.5 kg. RDX lay unchecked in the station. Neither was the unclaimed luggage screened nor was a sniffer dog was used to check for explosive. RPF Chief Security Commissioner shri B. S. Siddhu said “We had handed over the luggage to the GRP.” See the statement of chief of RPF who is supposed to protect the safety and security of Railway property as well as passengers. If joint efforts should have been there with RPF and GRP this grave lapse would have been avoided. As primarily RPF has got sniffer Dogs and CCTV in their charge if they are in any way concerned about the security at CST they should have gone with the exercise of these security check and the RDX would have been recovered on the same day. Such negligence are not sheer negligence but playing with the life of passengers and they should be booked under criminal negligence section of IPC.
Public is asking, If the Railway is rewarding Head Constable Jhullu Yadav Who stayed back at CST to fight the Terrorists with a rupees 10 lakh reward, what is it doing to punish the dozen armed policemen of the Railway Protection Force who fled the scene. What is the reply of Railway Minister, GM/CR and CRB?-Railsamachar

PME Due Date

Master Circular No. 25

Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. 69/H/3/11 dated 06.12.1974

Subject: Implementation of the Recommendations of the Visual Sub-Committee.

6. Periodical re-examination of serving Railway Employees:

6.l. In order to ensure the continued ability of Railway employees in Classes A l, A 2, A 3, B l and B 2 to discharge their duties with safety, they will be required to appear for re-examination at the following stated intervals throughout their service as indicated below:

6.1.1. Classes A l, A 2 and A 3 —At the termination of every period of three years, calculated from the date of appointment until they attain the age of 45 years, and thereafter annually until the conclusion of their service.

Note: (l) The staff in categories A l, A 2 and A 3 should be sent for special medical examination in the interest of safety under the following circumstances unless they have been under the treatment of a Railway Medical Officer.

(a) Having undergone any treatment or operation for eye trouble irrespective of the duration of sickness.

(b) Absence from duty for a period in excess of 90 days.

(2) If any employee in medical category A has been periodically medically examined at any time within one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held one year from the due date of the last medical examination and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

If, however, such an employee has been medically examined, at any time earlier, than one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held on the date he attains the age of 45 and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

Ammendment: It was ammended in 1993 as below

Age Group PME Due

Age 00-45 every 4yrs

Age 45-55 every 2yrs

Age 55-60 every year
As per Rly Bd's Guideline of Medical Exam issued vide LNo. 88/H/5/12 dated 24-01-1993

a) PME would be done at the termination of every period of 4 years from date of appointment / Initial medical Exam till the date of attainment of age of 45 years, every 2 years upto 55 years & there after annual till retirement.
b) Employees who has been periodically examined at any time within 2years prior to his attaining the age of 45years would be examined after 2years from the date of last PME & subsequent PME for every 2years upto 55years age.Of

NRMU 4 you

6.1.2. Classes B-1 and B-2—On attaining the age of 45 years, and thereafter at the termination of every period of five years.