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Railway Board's Orders on Restructuring/Reorganisation of staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways RBE 91-2012



(Railway Board)


S. No. PC-VI/297                  RBE No.91/2012


New Delhi, dated17.08.2012


The GMs/CAOs(R),

All Indian Railways & Production Units

(As per mailing list)


Subject: Restructuring/Reorganisation of Staffing pattern of Trackmen on Indian Railways.


The issue of career progression and working conditions of Trackmen on Railways has regularly been raised at various fora from time to time in the past through both the recognized Federations. Accordingly, a Joint

Committee comprising of representatives of both the recognized Federations and Senior Administrative Grade Officers (SAG) of Railway

Board was constituted to consider career progression of Trackmen along with review of their existing channel of promotion etc. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have considered the report of the Committee and

decided that the existing categories of Trackmen/Gatemen/Trolleymen/Watchmen/Keymen in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1800 and Mates(P.Way) in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1900 in the Permanent Way side of Civil Engineering Deptt. of Indian Railways will henceforth, be operated as a unified cadre of Track Maintainer as per the following pattern :


(i) The categories of Trackman/Trolleyman/Gateman/Watchman/

Keyman in Civil Engineering Department (P.Way) in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1800 be clubbed and given the designation of Track

Maintainer Grade-IV (PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1800);


(ii) The Mates(P.Way) in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1900 may be redesiganated as Track Maintainer Grade III (PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 1900). This would be the next level of promotion for Track

Maintainer Grade-IV.;


(iii) Posts in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 2400 of unified cadre of Track Maintainer to be filled from eligible staff from the next lower Grade Pay of Track Maintainer category based on seniority cum suitability and may be designated as Track Maintainer Grade II;


(iv) Posts in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs. 2800 of unified cadre of Track Maintainer to be filled from eligible staff from the next lower Grade

Pay of Track Maintainer category based on selection and may be designated as Track Maintainer Grade-I.


1.1 Accordingly, revised structure of unified cadre of Track Maintainer would be as under:-

Sr No


Pay structure

%age distribution of posts


Track Maintainer-I

PB-1 GP Rs.2800



Track Maintainer-II

PB-1 GP Rs.2400



Track Maintainer-III

PB-1 GP Rs.1900



Track Maintainer-IV

PB-1 GP Rs.1800



2. Detailed instructions regarding norms / procedure for future recruitment

and promotion in the unified cadre of Track Maintainers will be issued by

Establishment Directorate separately.

3. Detailed duties/responsibilities attached to each post in the revised

pattern and corresponding changes in Permanent Way Manual / Safety

Manuals, training manual etc. will be notified separately by Civil Engineering

Directorate/concerned Directorate of this Ministry.

4. The above revised pattern of unified cadre of Track Maintainer will be

effective from the date of issue of these orders.

5. This has the sanction of the President & issues in consultation with

Establishment Directorate and with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of

the Ministry of Railways.


Jt. Director, Pay Commission

Railway Board



पुनर्गठन / भारतीय रेल RBE 91-2012 पर Trackmen स्टाफ स्वरूप के पुनर्गठन पर रेलवे बोर्ड के आदेश

भारत सरकार

रेल मंत्रालय

(रेलवे बोर्ड)

क्र.सं. PC-VI/297 RBE No.91/2012,

(स्पेशल) No.2010/CE-1 / GNS/15 (Pt.)

नई दिल्ली, dated17.08.2012

ग्राम / CAOs के (नि.),

सभी भारतीय रेल और उत्पादन इकाइयों

(मेलिंग सूची के अनुसार)

विषय: पुनर्गठन के पुनर्गठन / स्टाफिंग पैटर्न Trackmen की भारतीय रेल पर.

कैरियर प्रगति और Trackmen की काम की परिस्थितियों का मुद्दा रेलवे पर नियमित रूप से समय से किया गया विभिन्न मंचों पर उठाया समय में दोनों मान्यता प्राप्त संघ के माध्यम से अतीत है. तदनुसार, एक संयुक्त

दोनों मान्यता प्राप्त प्रतिनिधियों के शामिल समिति संघ और रेलवे के वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक ग्रेड अधिकारी (शिथिलता)

बोर्ड Trackmen के कॅरिअर में प्रगति पर विचार का गठन किया गया है समिति की रिपोर्ट पर विचार

फैसला किया है कि के मौजूदा श्रेणियों Trackmen / / Gatemen Trolleymen के / / PB-1, ग्रेड पे रुपये में वॉचमेन Keymen. 1800 और साथी (P.Way) पीबी में 1, ग्रेड पे रुपये. 1900 में सिविल इंजीनियरिंग रेलपथ पक्ष विभाग. अब से भारतीय रेल के एक एकीकृत काडर के रूप में संचालित ट्रैक अनुरक्षक निम्नलिखित पैटर्न के अनुसार:

(I) के Trackman / / Trolleyman द्वारपाल / चौकीदार / श्रेणियों

कीमेन PB-1, ग्रेड में सिविल इंजीनियरिंग विभाग (P.Way) में वेतन रु. 1800 संयोजित और ट्रैक का पदनाम दिया

मेंटेनर ग्रेड चतुर्थ (PB-1, ग्रेड पे 1800 रु.);

(Ii) पीबी -1, ग्रेड पे रुपये में साथी (P.Way) के. 1900 redesiganated किया जा सकता है . इस ट्रैक के प्रचार के लिए अगले स्तर पर होगा

- मेंटेनर ग्रेड चतुर्थ,.

(Iii) पीबी -1, ग्रेड पे रुपये में पोस्ट. 2400 में ट्रैक की एकीकृत संवर्ग के पात्र कर्मचारियों से अगले कम ग्रेड से भरा होना अनुरक्षक ट्रैक अनुरक्षक वर्ग की वेतन वरिष्ठता सह पर आधारित उपयुक्तता और ट्रैक द्वितीय मेंटेनर ग्रेड के रूप में नामित किया जा सकता है;

(Iv) पीबी -1 में पोस्ट, ग्रेड पे रुपये. 2800 ट्रैक की एकीकृत संवर्ग के कम अगले ग्रेड से योग्य कर्मचारियों से भरा

ट्रैक अनुरक्षक श्रेणी के भुगतान चयन पर आधारित है और किया जा सकता है ट्रैक मेंटेनर मैं ग्रेड के रूप में नामित है.

1.1 तदनुसार, ट्रैक अनुरक्षक की एकीकृत संवर्ग का संशोधित संरचना के तहत के रूप में होगा: -

सीनियर नहीं


संरचना वेतन

% पदों की उम्र वितरण


मेंटेनर मैं ट्रैक- I

पीबी -1 जीपी Rs.2800



ट्रैक मेंटेनर –II  द्वितीय

पीबी -1 जीपी Rs.2400



ट्रैक मेंटेनर-III

पीबी -1

Rs.1900 जीपी



ट्रैक मेंटेनर – IV चतुर्थ

पीबी -1

Rs. 1800 जीपी


2. भविष्य में भर्ती के लिए / प्रक्रिया मानदंडों के संबंध में विस्तृत निर्देश

और ट्रैक देखरेख की एकीकृत संवर्ग में पदोन्नति द्वारा जारी किया जाएगा

स्थापना के अलग निदेशालय.

3. विस्तृत कर्तव्यों जिम्मेदारियों को संशोधित में / प्रत्येक पोस्ट करने के लिए संलग्न

रेलपथ / मैनुअल सुरक्षा में पैटर्न और इसी परिवर्तन

नियमावली, प्रशिक्षण आदि का मार्गदर्शन सिविल इंजीनियरिंग द्वारा अलग से सूचित किये जायेंगे

/ निदेशालय इस मंत्रालय के संबंधित निदेशालय.

4. ट्रैक अनुरक्षक की एकीकृत संवर्ग के ऊपर संशोधित पैटर्न होगा

इन आदेशों के जारी होने की तारीख से प्रभावी.

5. यह साथ परामर्श में अध्यक्ष और मुद्दों की मंजूरी

स्थापना और वित्त निदेशालय की सहमति के साथ निदेशालय

रेल मंत्रालय.


संयुक्त निदेशक, वेतन आयोग

रेलवे बोर्ड


NRMU demanded retrospective effect to Shri O P Gupta & 50 others for SrALP promotion

After several requests following 51ALPs Shri O.P.Gupta & others were promoted late as a SrALP (GrPay Rs2400), against cadre restructuring as per Office Order No. 11/2012 Dt. 13-04-2012 LNo. SUR/P/LocoRg/ALP

Their (DOA) as ALP is 05-08-2008 & date of posting (DOP) as an independent ALP is 12-06-2009.

As per our version as they are completed 2 years’ service on 05-08-2010 including induction training period which is mandatory residence period.

But as per administration, the minimum mandatory residence service period will be counted from independent posting ie from 12-06-2009. Hence as per administration's version they are eligible for promotion wef 12-06-2011.

But administration not promoted them neither from 05-08-2010 nor from 12-06-2011.

So National Railway Mazdoor Union demands to give all consequential benefits of promotion either from 05-08-2010 or from 12-06-2011 with arrears as they are promoted against cadre restructuring.

1) P Gupta SrALP 2400

2) Jitendrakr R Pal SrALP 2400

3) RKVishwakarma SrALP 2400

4) Ranjitkr Verma SrALP 2400

5) Santoshkr Gupta SrALP 2400

6) Sunilkumar Bharati SrALP 2400

7) Kunal Krishna SrALP 2400

8) Sushilkumar Singh SrALP 2400

9) Amiklal Prasad SrALP 2400

10) Dipak Vishwakarma SrALP 2400

11) Jagdish Pd Raikwar SrALP 2400

12) Santoshkr B Sinha SrALP 2400

13) Santoshkr Yadav SrALP 2400

14) Krishna Murari Pd SrALP 2400

15) Rohitkumar Patel SrALP 2400

16) Madhav Bal Mukund SrALP 2400

17) Santoshkr Patel SrALP 2400

18) Santoshkr Biphan Ray SrALP 2400

19) T K Mandal SrALP 2400

20) Sanjay Singh Ramsevak SrALP 2400

21) Darmendrakr Verma SrALP 2400

22) Litesh kr Deshmukh SrALP 2400

23) Rajkumar Yadav SrALP 2400

24) Ashokkr Vinit SrALP 2400

25) Jay Prakash Nirala SrALP 2400

26) Rajiv kr S Bhagat SrALP 2400

27) Ashwini Kumar SrALP 2400

28) Karan Singh Sahu SrALP 2400

29) Sutugan Loro SrALP 2400

30) Sitaram Prasad SrALP 2400

31) Subhash Sharma SrALP 2400

32) Bhagat Toppo SrALP 2400

33) Hanuman Prasad Meena SrALP 2400

34) Pradeepkr Maganlal SrALP 2400

35) Dilipkr Chaudhary SrALP 2400

36) Rakeshkr Singh SrALP 2400

37) Amit Sagar SrALP 2400

38) Ranjit Lugun SrALP 2400

39) Ajay Kumar Mistry SrALP 2400

40) Manai Kalundriya SrALP SUR 2400

41) Mangal Tirkey SrALP SUR 2400

42) Sharad Kumar Rishi SrALP SUR 2400

43) Venkat Rao Nellapati SrALP 2400

44) Lokeshwar Rao Palle SrALP 2400

45) Machagiri Srinivas Rao SrALP 2400

46) Nagvenu G Palli SrALP 2400

47) Bonthu Sudhakar SrALP 2400

48) P N Rajesh SrALP 2400

49) K V Sudhakar Rao SrALP 2400

50) Devkumar Guntur SrALP 2400

51) Nenavathu Berma Nayak SrALP 2400


NRMU:- श्री ओ.पी. गुप्ता और अन्य SrALP को पदोन्नति देने के पूर्वव्यापी प्रभाव की मांग

के बाद 51ALPs से श्री OPGupta और दूसरों के बाद कई अनुरोधों देर एक (GrPay Rs2400) संवर्ग पुनर्गठन के रूप में प्रति कार्यालय आदेश संख्या 11/2012 दिनांक के खिलाफ SrALP, के रूप में पदोन्नत किया गया. 13-04-2012 LNO. / सुर पी है / / LocoRg ALP

उनके (DOA) के रूप में ALP 2008/05/08 पोस्टिंग की तारीख के रूप में एक स्वतंत्र ALP 2009/12/06 है (DOP) है.

हमारे संस्करण के अनुसार के रूप में वे प्रेरण प्रशिक्षण अवधि जो अनिवार्य निवास की अवधि है सहित 2010/05/08 पर 2 वर्ष की सेवा पूरी कर रहे हैं.

लेकिन प्रशासन के प्रति के रूप में, न्यूनतम अनिवार्य निवास सेवा अवधि 2009/12/06 से स्वतंत्र पोस्टिंग अर्थात् से गिना जाएगा. इसलिए प्रशासन संस्करण के अनुसार वे पदोन्नति 2011/12/06 प्रभावी के लिए पात्र हैं.

लेकिन 2010/05/08 से 2011/12/06 से न तो और न ही प्रशासन उन्हें पदोन्नत नहीं.

तो नेशनल रेलवे मजदूर union या तो 2010/05/08 से या 2011/12/06 बकाया के साथ से पदोन्नति के सभी परिणामी लाभ देने के रूप में वे काडर पुनर्गठन के खिलाफ पदोन्नत कर रहे हैं की मांग है.

1) पी गुप्ता 2400 SrALP

2) Jitendrakr आर पाल 2400 SrALP

3) RKVishwakarma 2400 SrALP

4) Ranjitkr वर्मा 2400 SrALP

5) Santoshkr गुप्ता 2400 SrALP

6) Sunilkumar भारती 2400 SrALP

7) कुणाल कृष्णा SrALP 2400

8) सुशील कुमार सिंह 2400 SrALP

9) Amiklal प्रसाद 2400 SrALP

10) दीपक विश्वकर्मा SrALP 2400

11) जगदीश पी.डी. Raikwar 2400 SrALP

12) Santoshkr बी सिन्हा 2400 SrALP

13) Santoshkr यादव 2400 SrALP

14) कृष्ण मुरारी पी.डी. 2400 SrALP.

15) Rohitkumar पटेल SrALP 2400

16) माधव बाल मुकुंद 2400 SrALP

17) Santoshkr पटेल SrALP 2400

18) Santoshkr Biphan रे SrALP 2400

19) टी मंडल SrALP 2400

20) संजय सिंह रामसेवक 2400 SrALP

21) Darmendrakr वर्मा SrALP 2400

22) Litesh kr देशमुख 2400 SrALP

23) राजकुमार यादव 2400 SrALP

24) Ashokkr विनीत 2400 SrALP

25) जय प्रकाश निराला 2400 SrALP

26) राजीव kr एस भगत SrALP 2400

27) अश्विनी कुमार 2400 SrALP

28) करण सिंह साहू 2400 SrALP

29) Sutugan Loro 2400 SrALP

30) सीताराम प्रसाद 2400 SrALP

31) सुभाष शर्मा SrALP 2400

32) भगत Toppo SrALP 2400

33) हनुमान प्रसाद मीणा SrALP 2400

34) Pradeepkr Maganlal SrALP 2400

35) Dilipkr चौधरी 2400 SrALP

36) Rakeshkr सिंह 2400 SrALP

37) अमित सागर 2400 SrALP

38) रंजीत Lugun SrALP 2400

39) अजय कुमार मिस्त्री 2400 SrALP

40) Manai Kalundriya SrALP 2400 सुर

41) मंगल टिर्की SrALP 2400 सुर

42) शरद कुमार ऋषि SrALP 2400 सुर

43) वेंकट राव Nellapati SrALP 2400

44) Lokeshwar राव Palle 2400 SrALP

45) Machagiri श्रीनिवास राव 2400 SrALP

46) Nagvenu जी पल्ली 2400 SrALP

47) Bonthu सुधाकर 2400 SrALP

48) पी.एन. राजेश SrALP 2400

49) के.वी. सुधाकर राव SrALP 2400

50) Devkumar गुंटूर 2400 SrALP

51) Nenavathu Berma नायक 2400 SrALP



Night shifts can raise risk of heart attack by 40%: Study SPARC

Night shifts can raise risk of heart
attack by 40%: Study SPARC
PTI | Jul 27, 2012, 02.54PM IST
LONDON: Night shift workers are at the highest risk of
... heart attacks and strokes because of their unhealthy
eating and sleeping habits, a new research has claimed.
Researchers from Stroke Prevention & Atherosclerosis
Research Centre (SPARC) in London and Ontario found
shift workers were almost 25 per cent more likely to
suffer and night shift workers run the highest risk of 41
per cent, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
The study was published on the British Medical Journal
People working shifts also have higher levels of
unhealthy behaviours such as eating junk food, sleeping
badly and not exercising, which are linked to heart
The team analysed the results of 34 studies involving
2,011,935 people to investigate whether shift work was
associated with major vascular events.
Shift work was defined as evening shifts, irregular or
unspecified shifts, mixed schedules, night shifts and
rotating shifts, and the studies also contained day
workers or the general population for comparison.
Altogether 17,359 had some kind of coronary event,
6,598 had heart attacks and 1,854 had ischemic strokes
caused by lack of blood supply to the brain.
These events were more common among shift workers
than other people.
Shift work was associated with a 23 per cent increased
risk of heart attack, 24 per cent rise in coronary events
and five per cent extra strokes.
These risks remained consistent even after adjusting for
factors such as study quality, socioeconomic status and
unhealthy behaviours in shift workers.
However, shift work was not associated with increased
death rates from any cause.
Daniel Hackam, Clinical Pharmacologist, Stroke
Prevention & Atherosclerosis Research Centre (SPARC)
said the relative risks might appear modest, but millions
of people do shift work which means the overall risks
are high.
"Shift workers should be educated about cardiovascular
symptoms in an effort to forestall or avert the earliest
clinical manifestations of disease," he was quoted by the
paper as saying.
There has been mounting evidence that night shift
working might boost cancer risk because of the
disruption to the body clock and hormone production.
"It's a well-known fact that working irregular hours can
be bad for our health. It disrupts the body clock and is
often associated with an increased risk of high blood
pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, all of which are
risk factors for stroke," Dr Peter Coleman, Stroke
Association's deputy director of research said.


रात की पाली के दिल के दौरे का खतरा
40% से हमले बढ़ा सकते हैं : अध्ययन SPARC
पीटीआई | 27 Jul, 2012, 02:54 IST,
लंदन: रात की पाली कार्यकर्ताओं उच्चतम खतरे में हैं
... दिल के दौरे और उनके अस्वस्थ की क्योंकि स्ट्रोक
खाने और नींद की आदतों, एक नए शोध का दावा है
स्ट्रोक और Atherosclerosis रोकथाम से शोधकर्ताओं ने
लंदन और ओंटारियो में अनुसंधान केंद्र (एसपीएआरसी) पाया
पाली श्रमिकों के करीब 25 प्रतिशत अधिक की संभावना
पीड़ित थे और रात की पाली कार्यकर्ताओं
प्रतिशत 41 का उच्चतम जोखिम को चलाते हैं , 'डेली मेल' की रिपोर्ट.
अध्ययन ब्रिटिश मेडिकल जर्नल
वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित किया गया था . जो
लोग काम कर रहे पाली का उच्च स्तर है
खा जंक फूड जैसे अस्वास्थ्यकर व्यवहार, सो
बुरी तरह और व्यायाम नहीं दिल से जुड़े
टीम 34 को शामिल अध्ययन के परिणामों का विश्लेषण
2,011,935 जांच करने के लिए कि क्या पाली काम किया गया था लोगों
प्रमुख संवहनी घटनाओं के साथ जुड़े.
शिफ्ट काम शाम की पाली, अनियमित या के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया था
अनिर्दिष्ट पाली, मिश्रित कार्यक्रम, रात की पाली और
घूर्णन पाली , और अध्ययनों से यह भी दिन निहित
कार्यकर्ता या सामान्य आबादी की तुलना के लिए
कुल मिलाकर 17,359 कोरोनरी घटना के कुछ प्रकार था,
6598 दिल का दौरा पड़ा और १८५४ ischemic स्ट्रोक
मस्तिष्क को रक्त की आपूर्ति की कमी की वजह से था .
इन घटनाओं और अधिक बदलाव के बीच आम थे कार्यकर्ताओं
अन्य लोगों की तुलना में
शिफ्ट काम 23 फीसदी की वृद्धि के साथ जुड़े थे
दिल का दौरा, कोरोनरी घटनाओं में 24 फीसदी वृद्धि की जोखिम
और पांच फीसदी अतिरिक्त स्ट्रोक.
इन जोखिमों के लिए समायोजन के बाद भी लगातार बनी हुई है
अध्ययन की गुणवत्ता, सामाजिक आर्थिक स्थिति जैसे कारकों और
पाली श्रमिकों में अस्वस्थ व्यवहार.
हालांकि, पाली काम वृद्धि के साथ नहीं जुड़े थे
किसी भी कारण से मृत्यु दर.
डैनियल Hackam, नैदानिक ​​औषध, स्ट्रोक
की रोकथाम और atherosclerosis अनुसंधान केंद्र (एसपीएआरसी)
ने कहा कि रिश्तेदार जोखिम मामूली दिखाई दे सकता है, लेकिन लाखों
लोगों की है काम है जो समग्र जोखिम का मतलब है बदलाव
उच्च हैं.
शिफ्ट कार्यकर्ताओं हृदय के बारे में शिक्षित किया जाना चाहिए
प्रयास में पहिले से ग्रहण करना या जल्द से जल्द टालना लक्षण
, रोग के नैदानिक ​​अभिव्यक्तियाँ "वह द्वारा उद्धृत किया गया था
कह के रूप में कागज.
सबूत गया है कि रात बढ़ते है पाली
काम कर की वजह से कैंसर के खतरे को बढ़ावा देने के
शरीर घड़ी और हार्मोन के उत्पादन के लिए व्यवधान.
"यह एक सर्वविदित तथ्य है कि अनियमित घंटे काम कर सकते हैं
हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए बुरा हो सकता है यह शरीर की घड़ी बाधित है और
अक्सर एक बढ़ा जोखिम के साथ जुड़े उच्च रक्त
दबाव, उच्च कोलेस्ट्रॉल और मधुमेह, जो सभी के हैं
, डॉ. पीटर कोलमैन, स्ट्रोक स्ट्रोक के लिए जोखिम कारकों
एसोसिएशन अनुसंधान के उप निदेशक ने कहा.

MACP promotion of LPG (proposed) wef 14.12.2011 as SrDPO assured in meeting 27-07-2012 as NRMU item. Left over may contact with justification.

MACP promotion of LPG (proposed) wef 14.12.2011 as SrDPO assured in meeting 27-07-2012 as NRMU item. Left over may contact with justification.










Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600





Rs. 4,600

MACP Promotion of Rs.4600 Grade Pay proposed

MACP Rs 4600


Abstract of minutes of CME’s conference held on 21/22-05-2012 at Northern Railway Hq New Delhi

Abstract of minutes of CME’s conference held on 21/22-05-2012 at Northern Railway Hq New Delhi

[Reference: RB’s L.No.2012/M(L)/466/3(18) Dated 09-07-2012]


SPAD is a cause of concern and it has to be ensured that the periodic rest is provided to running staff. Proper monitoring and counselling has to be ensured to the nominated Loco Inspectors. Railway should also ensure that the Loco Inspectors are being booking for their initial and refresher training. It should also be ensured that independent JA grade branch officer is deputed to look after the power organization in every division. Apart from this, the Zonal Railways suggested following action plan for SPAD reduction:

i. Loco Inspector should counsel the LP as well as ALP regarding signals, proper rest and road learning. There is a need to counsel the ALPs also.

ii. The train indicator board at stations show red/green coloured indications. These are confusing to the LPs of the approaching trains. Lights common with signal aspects should not be used on any display boards on the platform.

iii. Joint signal sighting inspection by Sr.DSTE and Sr.DME should be done at least once in 6 months for proper signal visibility. All joint inspections carried out for signal visibility should be monitored.

iv. Night footplate by officers and inspectors between 0-4 hrs to be carried out regularly.

v. There should be a system of providing regular feedback to drivers on the unusual occurrences reported by them while signing off.

vi. There is a need to practically educate the crew regarding isolating of coaches and making them single pipe. CDO/Bandra has developed a video on this aspect and this need to be circulated.

vii. Most of the time the ALP goes to attend any unusual occurrence and we should concentrate on the training of ALPs.

viii. All SPAD cases are required to be discussed as case study in all training centres as a part of their training module.

ix. Booking of crew should be preferably done after 6 hours while reporting from long leave and rest.

x. Random checks of mobile phone records with service providers by nominated LIs to check the usage of mobile phone by the crew during run.

xi. Retro-reflective arrow marks on each signal post can be provided for proper identification.

Mail Express Guard 14 promoted New revised order 44/2012 Dt 11-07-2012

Guard MExp promotion order revised:
14 MExp Guard's promotion order revised today. Congratulations to all newly promoted comrades. NRMU is not agree to this order also & fighting to fillup All remaining 38 posts be supporter to achieve our goal of Mail Express promotion. Kindly see NRMU letter on notice board.
Sajid Hasan/SUR

गार्ड MExp पदोन्नति आदेश संशोधित
आज 14 MExp गार्ड पदोन्नति आदेश संशोधित. नव पदोन्नत साथियों को बधाई. NRMU इस आदेश के भी fillup लड़ सहमत नहीं सभी शेष 38 पदों मेल एक्सप्रेस को बढ़ावा देने के हमारे लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए समर्थक हो. कृपया नोटिस बोर्ड पर NRMU पत्र देखें.

Following LPG has been directed to ZRTI/BSL to attend promotional course for promotion to LPPass starting from 18-07-2012

Following LPG has been directed to ZRTI/BSL to attend promotional course for promotion to LPPass starting from 18-07-2012
Ab Latif
Shankar Shivram/ SC

Ab Gaffar


Rly Bd agreed suggestions to avoid SPAD & instructed to all GMs to implement in f/o RngStaff

Minutes of the meeting regarding SPAD held on 12.06.2012

Government of India

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

No.2004/M/(L)/466/7101                      New Delhi

Date 14.06.2012

General Managers,

All Indian Railways.

Sub: Minutes of the meeting regarding SPAD held on 12.06.2012.

            Kindly find enclosed a copy of the Minutes of the meeting regarding SPAD held in Railway Board on 12.06.2012. All Zonal Railways should make efforts to implement the above to ensure safety and to bring down cases of SPAD on IR. Each Zonal Railways should also upload its presentation on the SMDMS site so that it can be accessed by all concerned.

---- sd-----

(S.M. Sharma)

Dir.Mech.Engg. (Traction)

Railway Board.

Minutes of the meeting on SPAD held in Railway Board on 12.06.2012.

-------------- 0000 --------------

The meeting was attended by CME/Dy.CME (Operations) of all Zonal Railways along with one Inspector from predominantly diesel divisions of IR. CRB, MM and AMME addressed the participants and sensitized them on the issue of safety in train operations. During the interactive session, the following good suggestions were given by the Zonal Railways:

A.    Suggestions pertaining to Locomotive:

1.    There is a need to have a uniform cab design one for diesel locos and another for electric locos. It is essential that the location of A9 and SA9 is the same. It will be useful if standard colour coding can be done for A9 and SA9 on all locos. The low control stand design is useful because both the LP and ALP can see each other and  communicate freely.

2.    There is a need to improve the condition of driving cabs by making them sound proof and ergonomic and to relocate the horn so that the sound level is within limits. Cab should also be made air-conditioned.

3.    The VCD operational cases should be analysed and crew counselled.

4.    An USB port should be provided in the speed recorders so that the events can be analysed at the lobby itself and this will ensure that the crew is vigilant.

5.    A device has been provided by GOC shed of SR by which a switch can be activated during shunting operations and this ensures that the speed does not exceed 15 kmph.

6.    Provision of voice recorders in the cab for recording the shortcomings and calling out of signals.

7.    Loco Pilot seat’s quality should be improved with back rest provision.

B.    Suggestions pertaining to rest facilities:

1.     Proper resting facility should be provided in the lobby so that the crew is fresh inspite of PDD.

2.    Breathalyser should be made part of the CMS and the sign on menu should only come up once the breathalyser testing has been found to be fit.

3.    Provision of subsidized meal should be made mandatory so that the crew does not waste time and can avail proper rest.

4.    Calendar day rest should be provided to running staff instead of 22/30 hrs. rest so that they may fulfil their family and social obligations.

C.     Suggestions pertaining to operations:

1.    Retro-reflective Board indicating the type of signal with arrow towards the relevant line should be provided in each signal post. In case, there are more than 2 lines, the signal post of additional line should be of different colour. The name of the station should be written on the signal posts of the station signal.

2.    The numbering is signals should be in reducing orders from distant to the home so that there is uniformity in numbering  and the driver is sure that the same signal number is for a particular signal on each station.

3.    Presently the validity of LR is six months which is too long. If a train crew has not gone on a section for more than one month, then one day and one night LR should be provided.

4.    The length of trains have increased, new clear standing room (CSR) of 692 meters should be maintained instead of 686 meters so that starter signal is clear visible from the cab.

5.    Long hours of crew should be minimized by providing relief. Railway should make arrangements for hiring road vehicles to ensure the above.

6.    Links should be made in such a way so that there are not more than2/3 continuous night duties. Also efforts should be made that the running staff is  not made to perform more than 6 hours duty during 2200-0600 hours.

7.    The state of mind of the LP should be seen by the CCC/LI especially if there has been a mishap or he is joining duties after a long period of absence. In case of any doubt, he should not be booked on superfast trains.

8.    The crew should be counselled not to work under pressure since he has to operate the train at Maximum Permissible Speed now that the concept of booked speed is no longer there. Safety has to be given priority over punctuality.

9.    Proper time-tabling has to be ensured so that margin for acceleration/deceleration is available depending on the load and gradients and there should be a concept of loco recovery in the WTT.

10.    Monitoring and foot plating with shutters will also ensure that no shortcuts are undertaken in the yards. LPS should also be provided walkie-talkie to assist in shunting operations.

11.    Circulars on safety, etc. should also be issued in regional languages so that crew can easily understand them.

12.    The crew should be given a feedback by SMS  on the unusual occurrences reported by him while signing off.

13.    Driver should only work on one traction i.e. diesel or electrical.

14.    A unified G&SR should be published for all Indian Railways.

15.    S&T department should issue a signal booklet and if any change in the location of signal correction slip should be issued and circulated to all lobbies.

16.    The rest at HQ and outstation should be liberalized. A crew on 6 hr. outstation rest should be served call book after completing rest i.e. 6 hours + 2 hours  =8 hours.

17.    Efforts should be make to reduce the anxiety of the running staff. A train should not be put back 2-3 times. The Power controls should be equipped with control charting terminals so that they can monitor the actual train running and call the crew accordingly.

18.    Those sections should be identified where normally running duties are exceeding more than 10 hours and preventive action should be taken to minimize these running duties.

19.    Other ZR’s LI should foot plate on other zones so that wrong practices of that zone may be highlighted and corrective actions should be taken.

20.    Whenever a train has been stopped at a station for a long time for crossing or path, before departure the LP should talk to the ASM and Guard to reconfirm that the signal for his train has been lowered. The ASM should also inform the LP and Guard regarding above.

21.    PME of the running staff should be streamlined and criteria should also be modified and the mental fitness should also be part of the same.

22.    The caution order issued by the station should also include permanent speed restrictions. The ER Board should also indicate the speed of the upcoming caution so as to pre warn the driver.

23.    Shunting order (T-806) should be given for shunting operations so that no shortcuts or unsafe practices are undertaken.

D.     Suggestions pertaining to training:

1.    Whenever new technology is fitted on locomotives, seminar should be organized in the training centre and the instructor should also be trained so that they can impart the correct knowledge to crew.

2.    Low cost simulators should be provided at all lobbies so that the crew can utilize their free time when they are waiting for the train.

3.    New technology like CCB has been introduced on locomotives. Provision for simulation based on CCB should also be there in the new simulator.

4.    Norms for sanction of LIs for monitoring of ALP should also be prescribed.

5.    Normally crews pass the training with 60% marks which implies that they may not be conversant with 40% of the syllabus. In the training institutes the answers of the questions should be discussed after the examination has been conducted so that the crew is aware of all the aspects.

6.    The yardstick of LIs should be reviewed to have a sanction for monitoring  etc. Preferably 25% LIs should be selected by promoting mail pilots.

7.    At present, different railways are following different systems for monitoring of A/B & C category drivers. Since A category driers are being monitored once in 3 months on many railways, this is an incentive to the LIs to give A category to maximum drivers so that their workload is reduced. It is essential that sufficient ambush check should be carried out on A category Loco Pilots.

8.    Once a month, each LP should be available during the day time in HQ so that proper counselling and monitoring can be undertaken.

E.    Misc. suggestions:

1.    The signal sighting committees at supervisor level are not effective. Even the officer level committees conduct the inspection on mail/express and only sighting of signals on the main line is addressed whereas those on the platform, loop lines go unattended.

2.    Since in most of the SPAD cases drivers above 55 years are involved, the retirement age of LPs should be reduced to 55 years or they should be made CC/PRC/LI if they want to continue beyond 55 years. Another suggestion included making them Super LP.

3.    The maximum duty hours of mail/express drivers should be reduced to 6 hours as they encounter one signal every minute on an average during their run.

4.    NCR has started the system of making the pass/PTO/Leave etc. available at the lobby itself by providing a suitable drop box in which the running staff can drop their request. This saves a lot of time he can avail his rest at home station.

5.    Instructions exist on NER that mobile phone should not be used by a foot plating official as this distracts the LP and there was a case of SPAD due to this very reason.

6.    100% housing should be provided to drives as they are residing upto 50-60 kms. Away from their station of posting and are taking a lot of time in commuting. They are unable to get more than 10-12 hours of rest even at the home station when they are provided 16 hr.  rest.

7.    The fitness of running staff should be reviewed before any promotion and also after they have attained an age of 50 years. A psychological test should also be conducted to assess their fitness level and reaction time.

8.    Families of running staff to be counselled by LIs on ill effect of inadequate rest, alcoholism etc.

9.    The WLI should  take note of the issues raised by the running staff and should follow them up. He should also maintain a record of such issues noted and resolved. A feedback to the running staff via SMS will also be good.

10.    Crew which reports after leave/sickness/training should be booked after 6 hrs instead of odd hours. Changes should also be made in CMS.

11.    Timely crew review should be done to creation of posts. DRM should be empowered to sanction the post.

12.    CC/PRC cadre should be permanent instead of drafted CC/PRC for better controlling and monitoring of crew and train.

13.    Since, most of the SPAD cases have occurred after the crew has availed HQ rest, the monitoring of LI should also be done on the first trip of a crew after having availed rest.

14.    The materialization factor of crew is about 40% i.e. the number of crew indented to the number of crew who are finally available on foot plate. The indenting should therefore be 2.5 times of the vacancy.

15.    Joint signal sighting over all ZRs should be done especially confusing signals and remedial action should be taken.

16.    The drivers should be provided protection from being arrested in case of accidents or run over of animals as this cases anxiety and increases the stress level of drivers.




 All India Railwaymen's Federation


 Railway Board vide letter No.E(LR)I/2010/NM 1-1 dated 07.12.2011(RBE No.4/2012) have provided two extra slots for women employees at the Zonal level PNM meetings and one extra slot at the Divisional level PNM meetings.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(NG)II/2011/RR-1/11 dated 09.12.2011 (RBE No.166/2011) have decided that the candidates belonging to the categories of compassionate appointment, land loser, accident victims, LARSGESS and Substitutes, not in possession of prescribed educational qualifications for the post will be recruited/engaged as trainees who will be given regular pay band and grad pay only on acquiring minimum educational qualification prescribed under the recruitment rules. The emoluments of these trainees during the period of their training and before they are absorbed in the government as employees will be governed by the minimum of the -1S pay band without any grade. The period spent in the -1S pay band in the future recruits will not be counted as service for any purpose as their regular service will start only after they are placed in the PB-1 of Rs.5200-20200 along with GP of Rs.1800.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 dated 03.01.2012 have (i) included Trolleymen of the departments other than Civil Engineering in the list of Safety Categories, (ii) dispensed with the requirement of Physical Efficiency Test for recruitment under LARSGESS, and (iii) relaxed the prescribed minimum educational qualifications for recruitment under the scheme in line with the recommendations of VI CPC.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W) 2011/UN-1/9 dated 12.01.2012 have decided that the breakdown staff may be provided with an extra set of uniform in addition to their eligibility as laid-down in the Dress Regulations.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W) 2008/ED-2/5 dated 07.02.2012 have issued following clarifications reg. grant of Special Allowance for Child Care for women with disability, reiterating DoP&T’s orders, contained in their O.M. No.12011/04/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 26.09.2011.



Whether the women employees with disabilities shall be entitled for allowance at double the rates for multiple births at the time of first child birth?

No. In case of multiple births at the time of first child birth, the woman employee shall not be entitled to this allowance at double the rates for multiple births.

Whether the allowance would be admissible for the 3rd child in case first two children, i.e. if the first child(or for that matter the 2nd child) expires before attaining the age of two years?

It is clarified that the grant of Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities is admissible for two years from the birth of the child so long as the woman employee does not have more than two surviving children.


· Railway Board vide their letter No.E(G) 2008 QR1-14(CGA) dated 16.02.2012 (RBE No.21/2012) have decided that a relaxation of six months in retention of Railway quarter in case of compassionate appointment to the wards/spouse of the missing Railway employees where employee is missing and compassionate appointment begins after 02 years from the date of missing/lodge of FIR may be allowed thus making the normal permissible period as two years and six months subject to the conditions laid down in the original letter dated 17.07.2002. The six months additional extension, so granted, is further extendable by another six months, only with the approval of the GM of the concerned Railway, in cases where finalization of compassionate appointment gets delayed thereby making the maximum period of retention on normal rent as three(1+1+1/2+1/2) years.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.2011/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/Policy Clarifications dated 29.02.2012 have communicate clarification to the General Managers of the Indian Railways that the Railway Administration can grant incentive increments, only for the sports achievements in the Championships/Events concluded on or after the date of issue of above referred policy letter. All other cases of incentive increments shall be dealt with as per policy in vogue at the time of such sports achievements.


 The Adviser(IR), Railway Board vide his D.O. letter No.2012/E(LL)/HER/5 dated 29.02.2012 has advised the GMs and DRMs of all the Zonal Railways to ensure that the cases exceeding 10-hour duty by Running Staff are brought to the minimum and the crew management system is improved.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(NG)II/2012/RC-1/Genl/5 dated 02.03.2012 have decided to give one more chance to the widows/wards for appearing in the suitability test for appointment on compassionate ground (AIRF’s PNM Item No.9/2012).


 On the persistent efforts of AIRF Railway Board vide their letter No.2012/E(LL)/HER/3 dated 07.03.2012 have advised the GMs of the Indian Railways to ensure that whenever change of classification under Railway Servants(Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005 is resorted to, instructions issued on the subject from time to time may be kept in view.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.2011/E(Sports)/4(3)/4(Transfer Policy) dated 07.03.2012 have decided that henceforth the cases of own request transfer of sportspersons recruited against Sports Quota, from one Railway/ Unit to another Railway/Unit shall be decided exclusively by the General Managers of the concerned Railways/Units. The general conditions governing request transfers, like educational qualifications prescribed for recruitment to the category/post to which transfer has been sought for, assignment of bottom seniority etc., will apply in all cases of transfer of such sportspersons, on their own requests.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.PC-VI/2010/I/7/5/1 dated 14.03.2012 have revised the rate of two additional increments(3% of the basic pay) of the Nursing Staff.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W)2007/SC2/7 dated 16.03.2012 have enhanced the remuneration admissible to contractual teachers, appointed on contract basis in Railway Schools at the rates indicated as under:-


(i) Post Graduate Teacher Rs.220 per period subject to maximum of five periods in a day.


(ii) Trained Graduate Teacher Rs.210 per period subject to maximum of five periods in a day.


(iii) PRT Rs.170 per period subject to maximum of five periods in a day.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W)2009 PS 5-1/30 dated 21.03.2012 have decided to allow Railway officials to travel in Duronto Express trains while travelling “On Duty” only, subject to the entitlement of Railway officer/staff to travel in Duronto Express trains will be same as that in case of Rajdhani Express trains with the only exception that the highest class in which they can travel in these trains will be 2 AC and not 1 AC.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.PC-VI/2012/I/RSRP/1 dated 23.03.2012 (RBE No.40/2012), following Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)’s O.M.No.10/02/ 2011-E.III/A dated 18.03.2012, have decided that, in relaxation of stipulation under Rule 10 of the RS(RP) Rules, those Railway employees who were due to get their annual increment between February to June during 2006 may be granted one increment on 01.01.2006 in the pre-revised pay scale as a one-time measure and thereafter will get next increment in the revised pay structure on 01.07.2006 as per Rule 10 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008.


 In pursuance of the discussions held in the PNM meeting between the Railway Board and AIRF on 23- 24 February, 2012, on AIRF’s PNM Item No.27/2006, Railway Board vide their letter No.E(MPP)2009/6/8 dated 23.03.2012(RBE No.39/2012), have withdrawn their letter dated 17.06.2011(RBE No.91/2011) and decided that wherever higher grade posts have been surrendered after the issue of Board’s letter dated 06.03.2007(RBE No.32/2007) and which have led to promotions being adversely affected for staff working in the immediate lower grade(except in case of cadre restructuring) in all situations the higher grade posts may be restored and the post in the lowest recruitment grade from the cadre be surrendered without restoring to seeking difference of money value from the vacancy bank.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W) 2007/PS 5-1/9 dated 26.03.2012 have extended validity period of full/half sets of Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary/Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders from the existing four months(120 days) to five months(150 days).


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(G) 2002 QR1-2(Surplus) dated 20/28.03.2012(RBE No.43/2012) have decided that the General Managers of the Railways be delegated powers to allot surplus quarters, due to shift/closure of establishments, to the employees posted at other stations.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W)2000/PS 5-1/10 dated 02.04.2012 have decided to reckon Running Allowance for the purpose of revised entitlement of Passes/PTOs.(AIRF’s PNM Item No.02/2012).


 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions(DoP&T), in consultation with Deptt. of Exp. vide their O.M.No.14014/2/2009-Estt.(D) dated 03.04.2012 have issued following clarifications reg. compassionate ground appointment.






What will be status of Trainee?

A person appointed as “Trainee” enjoys the status of a Government Servant from initial day and will be allowed all the allowances and benefits allowed to a government servant.


What will be the maximum time period allowed for a person appointed as “Trainee” to acquire minimum education qualification?

A person appointed as a Traineeon compassionate grounds has to acquire minimum educational qualifications in 5 years.


Whether belated case of compassionate appointments against the erstwhile Group `D’ posts can be considered now after regularization of all Group `D’ employees as Group `C’ employees.

The belated cases of compassionate appointment are considered as per the revised recruitment rules for the MTS posts.


Whether a person appointed on compassionate grounds as “Trainee” will have probation period.

The probation period of a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground will begin only from the date he/she acquires minimum educational qualification and such person will be on probation for a period specified in the Recruitment Rules of the post/grade against which he/she is being appointed.


Whether Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave and other types of leave as applicable to regular Government employees would be allowed to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground.

A “Trainee” appointed on compassionate ground is entitled to all kinds of leave applicable to a regular Government Servant.



Whether medical facilities/ benefit of CGEGIS/CGHS on deduction of subscription for these schemes. Patient Care Allowance is allowed to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground.

A person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate grounds is eligible to avail medical facilities/benefit of CGECIS/CGHS available to holder of post in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4440-7440 without any grade pay.



Status of payment of short/long term advances as applicable to regular government servants to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground.

A “Trainee” appointed on compassionate ground may be granted, by the competent authority, short term advances, with advances of pay recoverable in not more than 3 instalments and advance of travelling allowances, festival advances, advances of in lieu of leave salary and advances of purchase of bicycles, warm clothing and table fans without production of surety, provided that such authority is satisfied that the same could be fully recovered or adjusted during the period of temporary employment of the said government servant concerned. In case of all other advances, a “Trainee” would be required to produce surety from a permanent central government servant, the surety bond being cancelled in the event of their confirmation in the permanent post.



Applicability of Leave Travel Concession to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground.

A “Trainee” appointed on compassionate ground is to be allowed LTC concession only on completion one year service.



What is the entitlement of annual increment to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground?

A “Trainee” appointed on compassionate ground, till he/she acquires minimum educational qualification, is allowed increment at normal rates in the pay scale of -1S.



What is the position with reference to reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground?

A person appointed as “Trainee” is allowed Children Educational Allowance as per the admissible rates.



What is the position with respect to payment of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to a person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground.

A person appointed as “Trainee” on compassionate ground is not entitled for OTA during the period he/she continue as “Trainee”.



Whether the dependent of compassionate appointee would be eligible for employment on compassionate grounds since their service in -1S Pay Band will not be counted as regular service.

A “Trainee” has the status of Government Servant from initial day, as such, dependent of a person appointed on compassionate ground as “Trainee” would be eligible for compassionate appointment in the event of his/her death in harness.


2. In case of appointment of a widow not fulfilling the requirement of educational qualification, against the post of “Multi-Tasking Staff”, she will be placed in Group `C’ Pay Band-1(Rs.5200-20200) + GP Rs.1800 directly without insisting on fulfilment of educational qualification norms, provided the appointing authority is satisfied that the duties of the post against which she is being appointed can be performed with the help of some on job training.

This dispensation is to be allowed for appointment on compassionate ground against the post of “Multi-Tasking Staff” only.

 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 04.04.2012 have reiterated following clarifications, related to reimbursement of Children Educational Allowance admissible to Government employees, contained in DoP&T’s O.M.No.12011/07(i)/2011-Estt.(AL) dated 21.02.2012.


- “Fee” shall mean fee paid to the school in which the child is studying, directly by the parents/guardian for the items mentioned in para 1(e) of DoP&T’s O.M. dated 2.9.2008(tuition fee, admission fee, laboratory fee, special fee charged for agriculture, electronics, music or any other subject, fee charged for practical work under the programme of work experience, fee paid for the use of any aid or appliance by the child, library fee, games/sports fee and fee for extra-curricular activities. This also includes reimbursement of purchase of one set of text books and notebooks, two sets of uniforms and one set of school shoes). Reimbursement of school bags, pens/pencils, etc., may not be allowed. There is no item-wise ceiling.


- In case of misplacement of receipts given by the school/institution towards charges received from the parents/guardian, reimbursement may be allowed if the Government servant produces a duplicate receipt, duly authenticated by the school authorities. Receipts from private parties, other than the school, if misplaced shall not be entertained, even if a duplicate receipt is produced. Original receipts from school authorities need not be attested/countersigned/rubber stamped by the school authorities.


- Reimbursement of 50% of the entitled amount for the academic year could be allowed in the first and/or second quarter and the remaining amount could be reimbursed in the third and/or fourth quarter. However, the entire entitled amount can be reimbursed in the last quarter.


- Any enhancement in the ceiling of reimbursement per annum due to increase in DA by 50% shall be applicable on pro-rata basis from the date of increase in DA, subject to actual expenditure during the quarter.


- Development Fee/Parents’ Contribution charged by the school/ institution in lieu of tuition fee shall be reimbursed. The Government servant will have to certify to the effect that tuition fee has not been charged by the school/ institution.


- Fee charged directly by the school/institution for catering to the special needs of the child with disabilities, duly certified by the school authorities, shall be reimbursed in addition to items mentioned in para 1(e) of O.M. dated 2.9.2008((tuition fee, admission fee, laboratory fee, special fee charged for agriculture, electronics, music or any other subject, fee charged for practical work under the programme of work experience, fee paid for the use of any aid or appliance by the child, library fee, games/sports fee and fee for extra-curricular activities. This also includes reimbursement of purchase of one set of text books and notebooks, two sets of uniforms and one set of school shoes).


- The minimum age of 5 years, stipulated in O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 11.11.2008, for disabled children, pursuing non-formal education or vocational training stands removed. Henceforth, there will be no minimum age for any child for claiming reimbursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W)2012/ED-2/1 dated 11.04.2012 have decided that no recovery needs to be made from such Railway employees where Children Education Allowance has been paid in respect of any two children other than eldest two surviving children prior to 10.06.2009.


 Railway vide their letter No.E(W)2012/PNM/AIRF/1 dated 25.04.2012 have advised the GMs of the Indian Railways that the provision of Separate Dress Changing Room and Separate Toilets and Tiffin


Rooms etc. for women workers be made. Further, if necessary, resources available under SBF may also be utilized for such purposes.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(NG)-II/94/RR-1/29 dated 25.04.2012(RBE No.57/2012) have extended relaxation of 03(three) years above the prescribed upper age limit for recruitment to all Group `C’ posts and posts in PB-1(GP Rs.1800), including engagement of Substitutes, for a further period of three years i.e. up to 03.02.2015. These orders take effect from 04.02.2012.


 Vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2006/RC-2/11 Pt. IV dated 01.05.2012(RBE No.59/2012) orders were issued to the GMs of the Indian Railways and PUs regarding recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota – launch of Special Recruitment Drive – Reg.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(P&A)II-2012/HW-1 dated 08.05.2012 have revised the rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2012.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 dated 17.05.2012 have taken following decisions:-


(i) Those Railways who have declared results, whether based on PET or without considering result of PET, should treat the result as final.


(ii) Those Railways who have conducted PET but are yet to publish the panel should finalize the panel based on the PET result.


(iii) Those who have yet held PET or have only scheduled PET should cancel the PET and declare the result based on written examination.


(iv) Those candidates who have failed PET and are declared/to be declared as failed, may be given another chance in January-June 2012 cycle where PET has already been dispensed with. However, such relaxation in eligibility, if any, will be given by Board.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 dated 23.05.2012 (RBE No.65/2012) have issued instructions to the General Managers of the Indian Railways and Production, to fill-up promotional quota vacancies till 31.12.2012, withdrawing para 2.1 of their letter dated 21.11.2011, vide which para 2.3 of Board’s letter dated 3.9.2009 was nullified.


 Railway Board vide their letter No.E(G) 2009 QR1-2 dated 24.05.2012(RBE No.66/2012) have issued orders reg. retention of railway quarter by Railway officers/staff posted to ECR and NWR.


 Vide Railway Board’s letter No.2011/H/28/1/RELHS/Court Case dated 31.05.2012, orders have been issued for the extension of RELHS 97.

Finally as suggested by NRMU/AIRF RlyBd agreed to Running Staff demands to avoid SPAD

·      Railway Board instructed through vide L. No.2004/M(L)/466/7101, Dt.14-06-12. to all GM/Zonal Railways to implement the following items.

 1. Calendar day Rest should be provided to Running staff instead of 22/30 hrs

 2. Loco pilots should only work on one traction i.e. diesel or electrical.

 3. The Retirement age of LPs should be reduced to 55 years.

 4. The maximum duty hours of mail/express Loco pilots should be reduced to 06hours.

 5. Timely CREW review should be done to creation of posts. DRM should be empowered to sanction the post.

 6. Crew which reports after leave/sickness/training should be booked after 06 hours instead of odd hours with LI. ( This was NRMU item in 10 hrs meeting)

7. No 6 hrs night duty at a stretch.

8. LRD lapse in a month instead of 6months.

9. Arrow mark on signal posts towards respective line. This was NRMU safety related Dharana item.

10. Location booklet of signals to be given to Loco Running Staff. (This is NRMU PNM item which was agreed.)

11. At Running Room Rest to be given 6+2 or 8+2. ( This was NRMU item in 10 hrs meeting & Dharana Item)

etc etc



PME Due Date

Master Circular No. 25

Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. 69/H/3/11 dated 06.12.1974

Subject: Implementation of the Recommendations of the Visual Sub-Committee.

6. Periodical re-examination of serving Railway Employees:

6.l. In order to ensure the continued ability of Railway employees in Classes A l, A 2, A 3, B l and B 2 to discharge their duties with safety, they will be required to appear for re-examination at the following stated intervals throughout their service as indicated below:

6.1.1. Classes A l, A 2 and A 3 —At the termination of every period of three years, calculated from the date of appointment until they attain the age of 45 years, and thereafter annually until the conclusion of their service.

Note: (l) The staff in categories A l, A 2 and A 3 should be sent for special medical examination in the interest of safety under the following circumstances unless they have been under the treatment of a Railway Medical Officer.

(a) Having undergone any treatment or operation for eye trouble irrespective of the duration of sickness.

(b) Absence from duty for a period in excess of 90 days.

(2) If any employee in medical category A has been periodically medically examined at any time within one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held one year from the due date of the last medical examination and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

If, however, such an employee has been medically examined, at any time earlier, than one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held on the date he attains the age of 45 and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

Ammendment: It was ammended in 1993 as below

Age Group PME Due

Age 00-45 every 4yrs

Age 45-55 every 2yrs

Age 55-60 every year
As per Rly Bd's Guideline of Medical Exam issued vide LNo. 88/H/5/12 dated 24-01-1993

a) PME would be done at the termination of every period of 4 years from date of appointment / Initial medical Exam till the date of attainment of age of 45 years, every 2 years upto 55 years & there after annual till retirement.
b) Employees who has been periodically examined at any time within 2years prior to his attaining the age of 45years would be examined after 2years from the date of last PME & subsequent PME for every 2years upto 55years age.Of

NRMU 4 you

6.1.2. Classes B-1 and B-2—On attaining the age of 45 years, and thereafter at the termination of every period of five years.