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Supply of branded quality cloth for uniform and payment of Stitching Charges and costs of Protective Garments

No.AIRF/32                                         Dated: November 12, 2010

The Member Mechanical,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Kind Attn: Shri Sanjeev Handa, Member Mechanical, Railway Board

Dear Sir,

Sub: Supply of branded quality cloth for uniform and payment of Stitching Charges and costs of Protective Garments

                   AIRF has time and again raised this issue with the Railway Board in various Negotiating Fora, i.e. Railway Board PNM and DC/JCM vide regular agenda items No.16/2005 and 17/2010 (photocopy enclosed) respectively.
                  While Railways have been spending huge amount of money on the uniforms and protective garments being supplied to the Railwaymen, but the users are not being actually benefitted out of it. It is noticed that even protective garments, such as shoes, gloves, dangry etc. are not supplied as per the stipulated specifications, though it is always claimed by the Railway administrations that the same are of proper quality. The uniforms supplied to the Railwaymen in general and to the Trackmen or to the running staff in particular are of very poor quality and the woolen clothing supplied to them are of worst quality.
                  It would, therefore, be quite appropriate that the branded quality cloth for the uniform and protective garments as per the standard specifications and Stitching Charges should be paid to all the eligible Railway employees.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

DA/As above

DC/JCM Item No.17/2010
Sub: Supply of branded quality cloth for the purpose of uniform to Railway employees
               The Railway Board vide their letter No.E(W) 2005/UN1/3 dated 24.04.2007 have issued instructions to the General Managers etc. of the Indian Railways to ensure supply of improved quality cloth to the Railwaymen. The reality in the field is that, quality cloth is not supplied to the Railway employees, resulting in their pride gets lowered.
              Railway Board should appreciate that the Railwaymen/women in uniform should appear in such a manner that dignity/image of the Railways should get enhanced.
                 Staff Side, therefore, suggests that branded cloth, i.e. Raymond, Vimal, etc. may be approved to be supplied to Railway employees, enabling them to use the same and appear on duty as dignified Railway staff.

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PME Due Date

Master Circular No. 25

Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. 69/H/3/11 dated 06.12.1974

Subject: Implementation of the Recommendations of the Visual Sub-Committee.

6. Periodical re-examination of serving Railway Employees:

6.l. In order to ensure the continued ability of Railway employees in Classes A l, A 2, A 3, B l and B 2 to discharge their duties with safety, they will be required to appear for re-examination at the following stated intervals throughout their service as indicated below:

6.1.1. Classes A l, A 2 and A 3 —At the termination of every period of three years, calculated from the date of appointment until they attain the age of 45 years, and thereafter annually until the conclusion of their service.

Note: (l) The staff in categories A l, A 2 and A 3 should be sent for special medical examination in the interest of safety under the following circumstances unless they have been under the treatment of a Railway Medical Officer.

(a) Having undergone any treatment or operation for eye trouble irrespective of the duration of sickness.

(b) Absence from duty for a period in excess of 90 days.

(2) If any employee in medical category A has been periodically medically examined at any time within one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held one year from the due date of the last medical examination and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

If, however, such an employee has been medically examined, at any time earlier, than one year prior to his attaining the age of 45, his next medical examination should be held on the date he attains the age of 45 and subsequent medical examination annually thereafter.

Ammendment: It was ammended in 1993 as below

Age Group PME Due

Age 00-45 every 4yrs

Age 45-55 every 2yrs

Age 55-60 every year
As per Rly Bd's Guideline of Medical Exam issued vide LNo. 88/H/5/12 dated 24-01-1993

a) PME would be done at the termination of every period of 4 years from date of appointment / Initial medical Exam till the date of attainment of age of 45 years, every 2 years upto 55 years & there after annual till retirement.
b) Employees who has been periodically examined at any time within 2years prior to his attaining the age of 45years would be examined after 2years from the date of last PME & subsequent PME for every 2years upto 55years age.Of

NRMU 4 you

6.1.2. Classes B-1 and B-2—On attaining the age of 45 years, and thereafter at the termination of every period of five years.